Is it true that bacteria lead to infertility and miscarriages?

Modern medicine does not consider an STD panel test for ureaplasma a possible solution to the cause of problems with conception or pregnancy complications. The bacteria is a normal component of female microflora. Half of healthy women have it. Moreover, numerous studies have confirmed that its presence in the female body (and men, too) does not affect conception and the course of pregnancy.

These reactions usually affect the urethra, bladder, and kidneys. However, this does not conclude that everyone should be checked for it. According to international standards, detecting it and treating it are unnecessary. There is a Russian recommendation. It says the disease should be treated if the concentration reaches 04 CFU/ml.

Take them Seriously if you are Pregnant.

Some articles present bacteria as an agent of infection that is dangerous to fertility. And some say that you must get rid of them when planning a pregnancy. You should not consider these statements a reason for panic. And they are not a strict guide to action. Equating it with an STD is also unfounded.

If you are going to do a Lab test for Ureaplasma, it should be a smear exam using the PCR method or culture. Avoid wasting time and money on long and often unnecessary treatments (the bacteria does not respond well). Checking for antibodies in the blood to U. Parvum and U. Urealyticum does not detect the disease.

  • Anastasia

I happened to get an STD Appointment with Diana Malkhazovna. I decided to examine myself since pregnancy had not occurred for a long time, and I was already ready to take on the honorary title of mother.

After the necessary exam, it turned out that my case was complex due to very low AMH. Still, Diana Malkhazovna supported me with optimism and enveloped me in her care and support! The treatment was long and difficult. I was already giving up, but Diana Malkhazovna did not lose confidence and constantly lifted my spirit.

We have achieved excellent results after several stimulations and a complex STD treatment regimen. And my dream of having a baby is about to come true!

Diana Malkhazovna is a unique person! She is incredibly smart and, most importantly, a competent woman constantly improving her knowledge—a professional with a capital P!

She also cares about her patients! Maximum empathy is important for every woman who crosses the clinic’s threshold with such a problem! I trusted Diana Malkhazovna 100%. And despite the length of treatment, everything worked out for us! I’m happy!!!

If you choose a doctor, then only her!!!

Cure this; I don’t know what, or Imagination in medicine: ureaplasmosis

Surely, many women have felt the fact that they were given impressive scientific diagnoses that required serious treatment.

STD infections need serious treatment, of course, and are usually accompanied by serious expenses—money and health. Who among us has not had to worry about a “terrible” diagnosis, hastily Google it on the Internet, and try to understand whether it is even possible to live with it?!

Let’s start with the Ureaplasma Swab tests. This opportunistic microorganism must be treated immediately. It causes infertility in women, intrauterine infections, and premature birth.

We are happy to inform you that this is a myth because no international source contains rules for checking the number of bacterium.

The fact is that the bacteria is a “normal” inhabitants of the vaginal microflora. It is found in 50% of women. And does not depend on age or regularity of sexual activity.

What does modern science know about it?

In 93% of pregnant women, the bacteria is in the vagina. It’s a component of the flora. But don’t be afraid of it.

 This increases the risk of STD infection during birth. But let us draw your attention: for this, they must be found not in the vagina!

Transmitted to the Unborn

It is proven that antibiotics by ureaplasma tests do not improve the outcome of pregnancy. Or reduce the complications in newborns. And prescribed STD drugs have not undergone adequate studies on pregnant women who are positive. And the use can be extremely dangerous.