A WHO STI testing survey finds no decline since 2012: 376 million new cases per year for syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and other methods that can lead to serious consequences if not treated in the right way. Trichomoniasis testing leads the way to detection and treatment.

Spread by direct contact 

They are generally caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that pass from one individual to another through the mucous membranes using infected biological liquids as a vehicle. Trichomoniasis can affect not only the genital organs but also other organs and systems. Although sexual activity is the main cause of their spread, it is possible to be infected even without sexual contact: think of the case of transmission from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth (vertical transmission), through transfusions of infected blood or through the use of needles or other instruments that are not adequately cleaned (for example in tattoos).

Home kits are very important because the symptoms can go unnoticed, appearing from a few days to years after infection. Specifically, bacteria are at the origin of gonorrhoea, syphilis, and chlamydia; the viruses underlying pathologies such as the human papillomavirus, genital herpes, hepatitis A, B and C and HIV; the protozoa for trichomoniasis and the fungi for Candida Albicans. According to a survey just released by the World Health Organization, every day, one million people between the ages of 15 and 49 contract a treatable STD.

According to the WHO report, this type of pathology causes 376 million new cases yearly.

Above all, STD Testing profiles include syphilis. The research available in the Who Bulletin shows that in 2016, there were 127 million new cases of chlamydia. This is among 15-49 year olds, 87 million of gonorrhoea, 6.3 million of syphilis and 156 million of trichomoniasis checkup and positive cases. Detected by exams and treatments. And it is possible to have treatment depending on the infection. Treatments range from antibiotics for bacterial infections to therapies and surgical treatments for viral ones. And with a separate discussion for HIV, which at the moment can only be kept under control – it can cause serious consequences. These range from infertility to brain and lung problems, pregnancies, increased risk of fetal death and HIV.

“We are seeing a worrying lack of progress in stopping the spread of STI infections around the world.  Peter Salama, executive director for these issues at the World Health Organization, “This is a wake-up call”. An effort to help everyone, everywhere, has access to the services. They must have what they need to prevent and treat these disabling diseases.” It is estimated that only syphilis caused 200,000 fetal deaths in 2016. And the treatment has become more complex.

In recent times, the global shortage of benzathine penicillin

The screening solutions matched general infection levels when compared to the data available in 2011. The desired decline in current or new infection rates has not occurred. About one in 25 people worldwide have at least one of these conditions. And with many infected with several at the same time. The causes are sex without condoms – vaginal, anal and oral – and, as seen, spreading during pregnancy or contact with blood products. A situation in which we could interrupt sexual education STI screening operations. And careful and appropriate use of contraceptive methods, including the greater use of condoms.

Not only. According to the WHO, it is important to increase STI testing. And research to raise the awareness. Also, to improve care, develop detection ideas, and create vaccines.