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Sexual Health: Chlamydia

Exam Information

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the UK. An infection with Chlamydia Trachomatis bacteria causes it. It is passed on through unprotected sex and is common in sexually active young adults.

Our at-home STI test is a simple check you can do at home. So You can read the results after only 10 minutes.




What is it?

The Instant Chlamydia Rapid Kit is one of the UK’s most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). An infection causes it with Chlamydia Trachomatis bacteria. It is passed on through unprotected sex and is common in sexually active young adults.

However, if you are younger than 25, the NHS recommends annual STI testing if you are sexually active or have a new sex partner.

Please go to the STI tests page to view the fast test options.

Why choose us?

What does the package include?

How does it work?

Order your kit online and once it arrive collect your sample at home.

Before taking your test, read the instructions carefully and follow each step.

After taking the test, please wait for your results without touching your test cassette. You can read the results after only 10 minutes. Do not interpret results after 20 minutes.

* If your results are positive, please visit your health provider for treatment as soon as possible.*


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