DOREEN: 2012, AGE 32   

It all started when I was 32, and the Doctor found a large tumour the size of a grapefruit in my uterus. I immediately checked my CA125 levels. And also, I had an HPV Variant test. And I was immediately taken for surgery and had a complete hysterectomy. I was told the tumour was cancerous but had not spread, so no treatment was given. That was 1991. Around May of 1993, I started having a lot of pain and bloating. My gyn doctor told me it was adhesions from surgery.

For the next 6 months, I kept going back to the Dr with the same pain. They did numerous C.T. scans, exams, and anything you can think of, but they found nothing. I kept insisting the pain was getting worse, so at one E.R. visit, they found I had blood in my stools and ordered a colonoscopy. By the end of the week, they took me in and found out the tumours had infiltrated my colon.

Three days later, I was back in surgery; this time, they had to remove part of my colon and put a colostomy bag over it; there were tumours all over my stomach area as well as my liver. Called an oncologist and said my ovarian cancer is stage 4, and most women diagnosed have about 6 months to live.

I was 34 and had 6 months of the cisplatin and taxol chemo.

I have had more than 20 years of CA125 Lab exam. And annual HPV Type Tests, and I am now 56 years old. Thank God for all the prayers that went out for me, for I know that’s why I’m still here and in great health. I had my reversal colostomy in 1998. So stay strong and think positively. P.S. Cute note: I never lost one strand of hair during chemo.

FRANCINE: 2012, AGE 23  

I was 23 at the time and the year 1993. I went to my gyn at the time because I could feel something through my pelvis and some discomfort after intercourse.

He did an HPV Fast DNA Examination and could feel a mass. He said this could be a stool or a mass, and because you don’t have any insurance, you must go downtown to Hutzel Hospital in Detroit. I got scared and did not go back. Two months later (Jan 1994), I had to go to the hospital because the mass grew, and it was painful. The doctors gave me a CA125 Home Blood Test. Multiple other exams found a very large tumour on the right ovary and a small tumour on the left ovary. I had a complete hysterectomy. At that time, I was told it was low malignant ovarian tumours, which is a new cell type. I Had ascites but no chemo at that time.

Seven months later, a new mass appeared, which was cancerous. And I went to a Cancer specialist who did a biopsy and said it was a cyst. The cyst was not removed.


In 2000, I developed pelvic pain again after intercourse. Went to my G.P., who felt since I had a hysterectomy, she should do my PAPs and didn’t need to see a gyn. I also went to a nurse practitioner for a GYN examination. She palpated a mass/old cyst. I went to see her husband, who is a Gynecologist. I followed him for almost a year. Examines, ultrasounds and CAT scans were all normal. He was sending for my old records from my surgery in Jan 1994, which took forever.

Finally, I said something was wrong, and I got an exam, and the HPV cyst was removed after a consult. Had surgery and was surprised with metastatic ovarian disease in the peritoneal. I had an abdominal debulking and adhesions removed from my small bowels.

Had six cycles of carbo/taxol and have been in remission since. Ca125 result are all normal.

SHERRI: 2012, AGE 48   

My name is Sherri. Just before my 48th birthday, I was very active. I exercised 3 to 4 days a week, took Krav Maga classes, and felt stronger.

I started becoming bloated and gaining weight for no reason. The Doctor gave me a stomach x-ray and sent me right to the hospital for a C.T. scan. Also, I assumed it was just a precaution. After the results returned, they transported me to the main Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn. After I arrived, they started prepping me for surgery. I had never had any surgery before and became very upset.

When I woke up, the oncologist was there and explained that I had stage 3 ovarian cancer. The whole thing was surreal, and I went from the strongest I’ve ever been (Physically and Mentally) to the weakest in one day.

I was lucky to have a wonderful husband, family, friends and Doctor. My husband was by my side every day. My friends and family showed how much they love me by doing their best to care for me. I love Doctor Michael Hicks. He is positive, caring and brilliant. I didn’t realize how lucky I was the day I woke up with him at my bedside. He truly is a hero.

I had a hysterectomy and 6 chemo treatments, more than 10 CA125 Blood tests, and there is no evidence of disease. My HPV test results are also clear. I had my port removed 2 days ago.

There is life after cancer. You have to keep the faith.

Please e-mail me. I would love to help.