Story by Michela

I am 55 years old, and I have had an HPV ovarian cancer test before. I just turned 30 during my first pregnancy; only after 1 year of marriage, my C A125 friendly gynaecologist found an ovarian test for a tumour that was growing exponentially in my baby. The beta HCG hormone fed him strongly! In the 4th month of pregnancy, I had a bilateral hysterectomy with omentectomy to remove the tumour. I underwent 6 months of intensive chemotherapy with hospitalisation lasting 5 days per cycle, which, although it saved my life at the time, totally changed my way of life due to the side effects of the chemo.

“Everything is good and fine!” My father used to say (translation from Sicilian: “Everything is good and blessed”), and since then, I have lived a real life, giving important value to people and loved ones. Of course, fear is a life companion that I have learned to dominate but also to live with..: there is so much more profound that I would like to share with the world and contribute by telling my CA125 test story!

Story of Luisanda

My name is Luisanda; I am a writer and a state official. I started feeling sick from a life of  HPV viral effects in May 2015, and only in April 2016 did we understand what was happening. For almost a year, I treated gastritis. Tests showed it was ovarian HPV Viral cancer. Damn reality.

I am scared of the responsibility of ignorance, so I decided to write Take Care of Yourself, a true story.

Too little is said about cancer—almost nothing—and the symptoms are never discussed because they are common to many pathologies and could generate unjustified fears. These symptoms, however, if well explained, constitute the first elementary alarm bell. I’m talking about an almost total lack of information—necessary information, vital information, information that could save your life. I’m talking about prevention.

I do it through a long letter to an imaginary woman I call Donna. I’ll tell you my intimate story, what happened in the last three years and why. My surprise, my dismay, my anger, my fears, my struggles, my desire to live, and my desire to feel normal. I chose the name Donna because I address all healthy women and that Donna is you. I entrust Donna with my message, my experience, and the knowledge that I have acquired at this time and up to today, and I ask her to take them around to tell them to take advantage of the opportunity to spread the word.

With this CA125 Blood Test autobiography, I’m trying to do that; I’m trying to pass on important information to other women in the hope that they will pass it on, too.

Story of Gisella

On Sunday, 30 August 2015, after nine long years of battles, Gisella also left us.

Gisella discovered from a home test that she had CA125-related cancer in August 2006. That year, she met Prof. Nicole Colombo and many patient-friends who were being treated at the IEO in the following years. When, at the end of 2009, Flavia proposed to her to set up an HPV Association that could support sick people and help to understand and prevent ovarian cancer, she enthusiastically agreed to the proposal. She became one of the founding members, as well as a councillor, for five years. -treasurer.

As a self-taught, Gisella has always sought, through all available sources of information, to update herself on existing and experimental treatments; she participated in a protocol for the use of “Parp inhibitors” For this reason, you have always considered ACTO’s main and fundamental objective to be to finance research in the fight against ovarian HPV cancer. She said: “I am sure that there is a cure that can eradicate my disease; I have to resist and wait for this to happen.”

Unfortunately, the disease had the upper hand. Still, everyone will remember Gisella as an example for having fought her war toughly with all the means available and for always doing so with a smile, avoiding giving up her lifestyle.

Despite countless CA125 therapies and monthly tests she underwent and the pelvis prosthesis surgery in 2012, which forced her to use crutches, Gisella wanted to work until the middle of June 2015. This is how she stated: The HPV viral illness does not stop. It can change my life beyond my body; I don’t want to lose my dress, makeup, and appearance style. I want to lead a normal life… the tumour cannot take away my dignity and happiness.” Stefano Gisella’s husband.

Some thoughts from those who knew Gisella:

Nadia  – Saint Raffaele Hospital

Her passing deeply saddens me. Allow me a hug of sympathy in your mourning. She was a great fighter; we must remember her with deep respect.

Vittorio  – IEO Hospital

Very expensive,

This news deeply saddens us. We met a wonderful person who faced this HPV cancer tumour test with a fighting spirit and, truly, with a smile that will always remain in her heart. A big hug from me and the whole team.

With sincere affection,

Primo Daolio – Gaetano  Hospital


I am close to all of your family for this great pain.

The serenity, smile, and strength of spirit with which Gisella faced her ovarian HPV viral tumour was a great lesson for my profession and my person. I also offer my condolences on behalf of all the CA125 doctors in the COO Test department who met Gisella. As an office colleague, I am close to you with all my heart. I’ll miss her cheerfulness and irony very much. I lost a friend with whom I could share chatter and thoughts. I give you a very strong hug.

Emma  – Socia Acto onlus

I can not believe it! My dearest friend from the great battle against her ovarHPV-related cancer tumour has left us! I will always think of her with that beautiful smile from our meeting in July! An affectionate hug!

The sister: I shared every moment of my life with you. I’ll always remember your kindness, intelligence, great organisational ability, and big heart. I will miss you a lot.

A friend: We grew up together, friends forever, neighbours as children, neighbours as married. Life brought you a lot of testing for HPV and CA125 Cancer and suffering but also a lot of love: your parents, your husband and sister who adored you, your beautiful niece for whom you were a second mother. I will always remember you with so much affection. Hi, Gis.