After years, a disease exam changed everything.

I will finally post after browsing this STD forum on and off over the years. It feels good to get this all down, especially near the holiday season. To start, I’m a twenty-something-year-old female living in the south. Howdy to everyone near! Disclaimer: This is an apology for this novel, Ureaplasma Urealyticum PCR Tests. This is my story, but also a successful one. I’ve read a ton of STD courier home test stories over the years and continue to read them today.

I want to thank everyone for their suggestions. I doubt I could’ve made it this far without the personal tips and other anecdotes posted here. After reading about OTC products such as antacids or Prelief, antihistamines, marshmallows, aloe vera, sodium bicarbonate and other ways to alleviate symptoms of IC, life would’ve been miserable. Sometimes, these methods don’t work for someone; other times, they do. I’ve tried most products there for relief; the most basic ones have (thankfully) gotten me through.

How it all started

Although my story isn’t new or noteworthy, I began suffering from IC symptoms when I first started having sex (almost a decade ago). I was in high school, and having to hide how miserable I was from everyone (including my family because I was so embarrassed) made life even worse. I can’t imagine having to take care of others or have a family with this condition. So many women on this Ureaplasma Urealyticum infection forum do this daily and more, which I want to take the time to appreciate: you all are some test heroes.

At the beginning of this journey, I suffered from the following:
-burning starting with the first pee of the day (this eventually moved to urethral discomfort/burning most of the time)
-burning after urination
-occasional gross hematuria
-painful sex
-on and off bacterial vaginosis
-frequency when at the ‘peak’ of a flare, accompanied by fever
-UTI “without bacteria” (3 UTIs with E. coli out of many)
-pelvic discomfort
-Macrobid and other antibiotics relieved all symptoms greatly, but it would always come back
-avoiding sex helped, but following the IC diet didn’t

No one could help

I’ve been to four gynaecologists, two urologists, and one immunologist, and it seems that this is pretty normal, or even a small number of STD doctors comparatively. I’ve had a gynaecologist get angry and blame me. Finally, another gynaecologist told me to take Azo until it resolved itself. After FINALLY seeing a urologist last year, I was diagnosed initially with IC. A cystoscopy and kidney ultrasound followed this to confirm what the doctor believed. There was nothing notable by either STD delivery at home tests (no ulcers with mild urethral irritation), but I think it was easy at the time to diagnose me to make me feel better and less alone.

After the Ureaplasma Urealyticum diagnosis, the urologist recommended a few methods: the IC diet (which hadn’t worked for me), prescriptions, and PF stretches and instils, which were heavily discussed in the forums. I started taking a pill much like Azo (but it turns urine blue; I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about; it didn’t work for me), but due to personal choice, I did not receive instils or try Elmiron as a last resort. A lot of patients have success, and a lot of patients do not.

Why won’t they check me?

After the STD Profile kit Test diagnosis, I started researching and came across two bacteria: myco and urea. Nowhere in town does myco and ureaplasma testing, a common bacteria that lives (the vast, vast majority of the time) commensally in humans. Certain practitioners will not take you seriously. Also, some patients with IC have been tested and treated for it and still suffer from IC. Its role in IC (if any) is inextricably complicated, as well as its role in miscarriage and infertility. However, these microbes are found in normal, healthy individuals who conceive and have no further complications. So, it is a mysterious individual, if anything.

I had asked two doctors (my urologist and gynaecologist) to culture or, if they had one, perform an in-house PCR (polymerase chain reaction, very easy and common; I work in a genetic lab, and they are performed all day) for myco and ureaplasma PCR tests. Both of them said no; even if the exam was positive (which is a 50-80% probability), the presence of these bacteria would not (or should not) present symptoms.

Further research

I researched more: an infertility clinic was the only place in town to run this test. Well, I’m here to tell everyone that. Do you know what? I lied. I went to the infertility clinic and told them that I was trying to conceive and having issues. Because, like some of us, I had been pushed to the side. Do I feel super guilty?

No. Last year, I miscarried.

Due to this loss, I felt almost robbed that no one had checked me for this: A) given my urethritis and other issues and B) spontaneous miscarriage. Although urea and mycoplasma exams aren’t well researched in a purely syndromic female context, they have been proven to be linked to (at the very least) miscarriage and infertility in women.

A quick search on PubMed yields many research studies proving this link. I had been very transparent about what had happened to me with all of my doctors. I had put it on my patient history, glaringly, hopefully as a horrible clue for them as to what was happening to my falling-apart body.

Don’t get me wrong: a lot of STD delivery kit Panel Test Doctors have helped me. My immunologist was God’s gift to this earth. I was pushing 9 years of suffering on and off with this condition to be diagnosed, and it only got worse and worse (I stopped having sex, and the burning had escalated to a 10/10 some days). To be straightforward, I was miserable. Salt baths stopped working. Prelief and Azo didn’t work. Pain pills only took the edge off. So, the infertility clinic was the only place in town to perform the exam. Due to the high antibiotic resistance in these STD bacteria, it is pretty necessary to know which genus of bacteria you have if positive.

Finally, the results I needed

They ran the Ureaplasma Home test (it returned positive), and I’m happy to say I’ve been IC-free now for 6 months. I prayed to God that it would be positive, which is weird that you’d want an infection.

Is this what they were telling me? “Unless you’re trying to conceive, we shouldn’t check you for this, however symptomatic you have been for the past decade.” If so, that makes me sad. There are plenty of women and men who are suffering, and this exam could potentially help. I’m sorry if this was too long of a novel. I wanted to share a success story in which my life isn’t over, although it felt like it. I had to advocate for myself, even if it meant ‘cheating the system.’ Let me be very clear in stating that a large portion of IC sufferers are using STD kits for delivery for this, tested and treated, and still have IC. However, there are stories of some who have been treated and felt better. IC, as of right now, is mostly a life-long condition.

The relief of a positive result

I hope for STD Urine Tests that others find relief as I have. Over the years, it has been about doing anything to not focus on the pain. It meant missing out on many things, as all of you know. It meant acting ‘weird’ or being antisocial/staying at home when you don’t want to. But as I type this, I feel no remnants of ever having searing pain like I used to. I wanted to let anyone reading know that a day is coming when, once you find relief, it is possible to be complete. I was always afraid that IC’s feelings would be lurking in the STD dark shadows, even when I went into remission. It doesn’t feel like any permanent damage is there (if that makes any sense).

I’ve read many wonderful messages from powerful people suffering from this Ureaplasma Urealyticum test condition and wanted to try to post my own. There is nothing that can bring you down! I mean it. After so many tough years, even if it comes back, I know everything will be okay because of how I feel today.