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Is the most valuable commodity is hand sanitiser?

Not Oil {It hit a low of -32$ a few weeks ago}. Instead, it is a hand sanitiser. A few months ago, this alcohol-based product was pretty much worthless. Some people in developing countries did not know about it until COVID-19 knocked on their doors. While the economy struggles to stay afloat, hundreds of pharmaceutical companies are shutting down. However, the antiseptic business and centres doing HPV DNA testing in London are flourishing. STI programs for providers are also growing because people are staying and get tests at home.

Hand sanitiser in the Year 2020

The last time the world had a pandemic, most of us were not born. The last major outbreak to bring the world to its knees was the Spanish flu in 1918. In addition, this disease has infected more than 500 million people. Fast forward more than 100 years, and we now have COVID-19. Ever since this disease became worldwide, specific protocols must be followed. Visiting your family outside your country will require Battersea Clinic HPV PCR testing in London. According to WHO, the best way to protect yourself is to adhere to social distancing rules and regularly clean your hands with an alcohol-based solution.

How it works

An alcohol-based antibacterial hand sanitiser must contain at least 60% alcohol to work. An alcohol solution destroys this protein, exposing the virus to externalities that kill it. This can kill viruses and STIs, but get profile test if you are experiencing symptoms.

Is a hand sanitiser Better Than Soap?

According to WHO, the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 or any STI virus is to use soap. However, an alcohol-based solution will do if soap is not readily available. Soap breaks down lipid envelopes that protect germs. When you rub your hands together, the protein is broken down, and the bacteria are killed. Though alcohol-based solutions also kill enveloped pathogens, it is essential to note that they will not kill non-enveloped STI viruses. An STI Panel report will validate this fact.

Similarly, suggesting that you should always walk around with soap in your pocket is impractical. When soap is not available, a hand gel is preferred. Hand gels can also be used before an HPV type PCR exam.

Why not buy a cleanser with 100% Alcohol?

The question makes sense from a layman’s perspective. However, a doctor cannot use this product because it would dry out quickly. Also, the concentration is too high and will only irritate the skin. In the process, you will not use hand sanitiser as often as scientists recommend. Sanitisers contain emollients that prevent irritation. These mixtures moisten your skin every time you use an alcohol solution. Use them before doing PCR exams in London.

Do these products expire?

The good thing about this product is that it takes one to two years before it expires. However, you must never forget that alcohol is a volatile product that quickly evaporates. Therefore, store it away from direct sunlight to increase its shelf life. In addition, you can keep it in a cool and dry place. Check the expiry date if you are using it before doing HPV exams in London.


Book a HPV variant DNA PCR exam at a London clinic. Or a screen of an STI profile test kit for home health. Don’t forget to use hand sanitiser regularly to prevent the spread of diseases. Every swab or blood kit must also include a dose of hand sanitiser. If not, then the samples can be contaminated and spoiled.