It went away on its own without treatment.
I first encountered an HPV Swab test when I was 21 years old. I took a smear, and they gave me a yellowish piece of paper with a handwritten note saying, “Not detected.” At that time, I didn’t attach any importance to the analysis. No, that’s good; no treatment is needed, but what is it? What’s the difference? Then I already had erosion, and they treated it “conservatively” and cauterized it right at the gynaecologist’s appointment with the drug “Solkovagin”. Unfortunately, after this, the erosion did not go away. The STD test in 2010 cost me the most; I still have both the referral and the form with the results – all negative.
The second time I took an STD Lab exam at the age of 25, this test was prescribed to me in the “cervical pathology” office; as it turned out, before cauterization, erosion needs to be treated. I took a paid online kit, which showed the presence of oncogenic viruses.
I have prescribed treatment; I don’t remember exactly what medications were; among them were genever suppositories and the like. The amount for the medicine was not small. We didn’t have that kind of money. Somehow, we didn’t want to allocate it for bullshit because we had heard test information that HPV could not be cured. It can leave the body on its own within a few years. (No claims to reliable medical information, just information from various sources that I remember, which seems to be relevant now.) Perhaps drugs from the category of “immunomodulators” are needed to help the body cope with viruses on its own. But as you know, “immunomodulators” do not affect everyone equally.
Their effect is individual; for some, it will help 100%, and for others, 0%. While we were thinking about medication and weighing whether it was worth allocating money for it, I unexpectedly became pregnant. As far as I remember, my gynaecologist said that it is not necessary to treat STDs during pregnancy. That’s why I forgot about the virus.
Six years have passed. I am 31 years old, and the thought came into my head that it was time to cauterize the erosion, although I am not 100% sure this is necessary. But the prospect of cancer is not at all encouraging. I went to see a gynaecologist, who said that I needed to be tested once every three years. They took the usual smears from me during a preventive visit and sent me for a paid STD Panel. Strangely enough, the analysis is clean, and no viruses were detected. And the disease went away on its own over the years.
For me, this is a direct confirmation of the claims that HPV goes away on its own and does not require treatment. However, perhaps everything depends on the circumstances, the erosion’s severity, and the immune system’s state. By the way, I don’t have the best immunity and low stamina.
How to look for it
How is the test for STDs done? It’s just a “smear”. Discomfortable sensations during the analysis are minimal and short-term, or you will not feel them. When I checked for the last time, the mirror and my dead microflora (“0 lubricant”) were plastic. They pushed a mirror into me with difficulty, saying that I was too tense. The process of pushing in was noticeable; it felt like it wouldn’t fit, and already at home, I felt local pain and tingling sensations. There was a superficial tear in the mucous membrane in a tender spot. Unpleasant, but nothing fatal. Alas, taking the exam at a paid place does not guarantee everything will go like clockwork. Well, metal mirrors – “Foreva”.
From the preliminary preparation, according to my gynaecologist, only sexual abstinence is required. However, the clinic dictated many more requirements to me, including not using chemicals for washing, not using various candles, and the like. This information should be clarified with the clinic conducting the analysis and asking about it in advance.
Logically, I cannot recommend anything regarding the treatment of STDs. This is your personal decision and the recommendations of your attending physician. Whether you need to take the HPV exam itself is also a personal decision for everyone, but if you are sure that you are not going to “treat” it with bullshit, then taking it becomes pointless. On the other hand, without this analysis, you may be denied treatment for erosion. Plus, doctors seem to have a percentage of STD results in paid clinics. For example, they sent me to a paid one.
On the one hand, it seems that the result there will be more reliable, but on the other hand, isn’t it easier and faster, and at the same time free of charge, to get it in a women’s clinic? Consultations. We seem to greatly contribute to feeding doctors and pharmacology: undergoing checking every three years at a specific location, where the doctor receives a percentage. If the exam shows abnormalities, expensive drugs are prescribed for treatment, even for conditions that resolve independently.
Navigating Controversies
Overall, all of this presents considerable controversy. This includes HPV and situations where cauterization of erosion is genuinely necessary. Additionally, our medical institutions fall short in many aspects, from long queues and inconvenient appointment times to treatment efficacy. They recently treated my microflora, and as a result, a week later, I took a control exam, and the doctor said that “she didn’t like the discharge.” This is a preliminary conclusion “by eye”, but if the treatment did not have an effect or disappeared after contact with the treated sexual partner, then this is very sad. I want to spit on everything and never return to the consultation. I’m thinking about simply taking a “cervical biopsy” in a paid clinic – this will be an accurate examination for oncology (which STD is not) at a convenient time, without the ordeal of going through budgetary institutions.