Protein is a vital nutrient that supports the overall health of the human body. It is famous as one of the building blocks for muscles. It is a macronutrient. Thus, our body needs a large amount of it to function the organs properly. But how much is enough for us is a complex question. To know these values, you need to perform a CBC Full Blood Count Test Sample to reveal the body’s present level of proteins. If any lack or excess occurs, your healthcare provider or dietician will advise you on a specific HCG or other protein intake suitable for you. Various STD infections cause a protein deficiency in the body, which needs to be tested correctly to fulfil the body’s complete full count needs. The STD at Home Full Test is the perfect sampling method for that.
Read this article until the last paragraph to understand how much protein your body needs and which protein you need.
What is a Protein? Why does our body
Protein is among the macronutrients our body needs in more significant amounts. Along with carbohydrates and fats, proteins also come under this important category. Famous as the building blocks of life, proteins are responsible for the proper functioning of cells. It is also vital as the primary source of structure for the body. Many people think proteins are only present in our muscles, but they are wrong. They are virtually present in every part of the body. Hair, nails, skin, bones, and other internal organs all have some protein.
There are many other roles that protein plays in our body, and those are:
- They help repair and construct cells and tissues of the body.
- Proteins play a significant role during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy by helping in proper growth and full development.
- Maintain blood clotting
- It plays a role in balancing body fluids.
- It helps to maintain an immune response.
- They also help to speed up the chemical reactions in the body.
- Maintain the production of hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.
Check Your Body’s Protein Levels
Your body’s average need for protein is more complex than it looks. Age, gender, height, weight, physical activity, etc., are the factors that affect its value. On average, the recommended dietary need for protein by our body to prevent its deficiency in adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. For instance, if a person weighs 75 kg, his protein need would be 60 grams daily.
Additionally, the bodies of those people who indulge in daily workout sessions need more protein than those of ordinary people. Athletes, on the other hand, have much more protein needs than others. Thus, all these fluctuations make it difficult to determine the exact protein value for our body. The solution is to perform a CBC Complete Finger Prick Count Full Test, explaining the precise levels of your body’s protein needs. Afterwards, your doctor or dietician will guide you according to your requirements and condition.
Want to Lose Weight? How Much Protein is Necessary?
Experts say a high protein intake can help your weight loss journey. And according to researchers, it is vital to eat a large amount of protein because of several reasons:
- It promotes changes in the composition of the body.
- They help in the process of fat loss.
- It helps to give strength to the bones.
- Encourages the feeling of fullness.
Around 25% to 30% of daily protein intake is vital for managing weight. But, if we look at it practically, it would be difficult for regular people to calculate these percentages. So, apart from focusing on the percentage and full value, you look at having protein-rich food at every meal and snack. But as we know, most of human nature, especially girls, wants everything perfect and desires to do their best at everything. These people can use a CBC lab Count Test Kit to check their body’s protein levels. After this, they can quickly get the proportion of their health and protein demand, which will let them easily follow their diet.
Many people with an STD Test kit try to become innovative and start using high or low amounts of protein as suggested. These people must understand this complete strategy will fail as your body uses what it needs and will reject others. The extra amount can either defecate from your body or cause some health issues. So, it would be better to stay under the recommended values.
How much Protein do Pregnant women need?
The HCG protein needed for a pregnant woman increases as the stage of her pregnancy rises. The embryo’s growth, development, and maintenance highly depend on the protein needs. Thus, meeting daily protein needs is vital.
The estimated values of protein for pregnant women are:
- In 1st trimester, a pregnant woman needs 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
- During 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the value rises to 1.1 grams.
However, the exact protein needs of a pregnant woman will be accurately detected only through a health checkup. Thus, perform a CBC Sample to know your values. Moreover, frequent STD Panel Tests are also essential for pregnant women.
Some of the Best Sources of Protein
There are various sources of protein, but the natural sources are the best to consume, and those are:
- Plant sources like soy, seeds, beans, nuts, and lentils.
- Lean meat like skinless, white meat chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood.
- Milk,
- Yoghurt,
- Peanut butter,
- Walnuts,
- Scrambled eggs,
- Salmon, etc.
The reason behind Proteins, and Do They Need us?
Several sexually transmitted diseases are often the potential reason behind declines in the body’s nutritional level. Many of them make the body weak and exhausted. STD sampling helps to research the issues. This happens because of these infections like HIV attacking the immune system of the body. This has a direct effect on the HCG protein levels as well. Thus, healthcare professionals recommend performing an STD Profile Test if a patient suffers from continuous protein loss or other nutritional losses. Complete screening for these infections is essential because, without the CBC Level Full Blood Count Test, we couldn’t catch the exact cause of the failure. This will also delay the treatment, giving rise to a complex state that would be hard to handle. Therefore, it is essential to investigate sexual infections as soon as possible.