
Hello. I’ll share my STD test story, and maybe it will help. There may be some HPV-related terminological difficulties, but since I am not a test doctor, I will have to understand and forgive.

First, general thoughts/facts:

  1. Human Papilloma Virus has different strains (types): 16, 18, …, and 51 types. The most pathogenic types cause changes in tissues. Accordingly, if you have them, you should cheer up.
  2. The virus in men does not show symptoms and does not cause such terrible things as in women. Therefore, until you and your partner have undergone treatment, be sure to use a barrier method of contraception. If a boy is “uncomfortable” with condoms, then we immediately send the boy into the forest because the issue is serious.
  3. HPV is very difficult to remove. It can disappear or greatly decrease in content in the body in some periods and develop again in others, usually with a decrease in immunity.
  4. Isoprinosine is prescribed as an immune stimulant and indirectly helps the body fight HPV. Nothing is terrible about it, BUT if your immune system is very bad, it may not help, and you need to take vitamin complexes, etc. This is all prescribed based on the results of a full examination: smear, complete blood test, etc.

And what else have I heard about vaccination from specialists:

You receive the vaccine only if you and your partner have a negative STD panel test. Remember point 3 above: the partner must also undergo full treatment and receive the vaccine.

Now, a little about my story: In June 2023, they found a change in tissue on my cervix.

Also was positive for type 16. After a bunch of exams, histology, histochemistry, review of glasses in the oncology clinic (in Herzen), they diagnosed 87.2, pronounced cervical dysplasia.

From the important point: I had the last examination in mid-2022, and they found no changes (this is what I mean by “cancer is still far away”).

What now:

I’m taking a course of a huge, no, HUGE amount of supplements and vitamins; I also had a course of isoprenaline, STI negative so far. Ahead is an operation to remove all this joy, further testing for STD and vaccination of me and my partner.

I have experienced a lot of stress over these 2.5 months, and there is no end in sight.

Finally, another minute of interesting anatomy (stuffiness) – cervical cancer proceeds painlessly until the 4th stage when it is often too late to treat.


Cauterization of erosion with a laser for HPV type 82. Not to look nervous! Review updated 04/27/2023!

Good day!

“You have erosion,” my doctor said 6 years ago. This was said so casually as if everything was fine and normal. I heard no detailed explanations other than “It will go away on its own.”

The official name of the diagnosis is “dysplasia of the cervix.” Dysplasia can be of the first, second, or third degree.

If you have been diagnosed with this, you MUST undergo an examination: a colposcopy, a smear for oncocytology, and a human papillomavirus smear.

Six years later, I got an appointment at a private clinic by coincidence. After conducting examinations, the doctor prescribed cauterizing the erosion with a laser.

After being tested for HPV, I was diagnosed with type 82 (a highly oncogenic type). The presence of STD infection interferes with the self-healing of the cervix. The only way out is cauterization.

I had colposcopy in 2015, 2019 and 2021.

Indications for laser cauterization:

  • erosion did not go away on its own within 2-3 years;
  • presence of STI infection;
  • possible for nulliparous people.

Before the operation, you must undergo the following:

  • undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • smear for cytology;
  • Type;
  • undergo colposcopy;
  • microflora smear;
  • donate blood for RW (syphilis) and HIV.

Cauterization procedure:

They scheduled the cauterization for July 7. I felt very worried, but everything went fine. Before the procedure, they gave me a disposable cap, shoe covers, and a shirt. I climbed onto the chair, and the doctor began the procedure. At first, I didn’t feel anything, then nagging pains began to appear, like during menstruation, but much more intense, and they began to burn. There was no burning smell because the ventilation worked well. The whole procedure lasted 4 minutes!

After the procedure, I used a panty liner. I was afraid I would smell “burnt”, but there was nothing! I travelled in the heat by public transport for 2 hours, and everything went well; I only felt slightly nagging pain.

After the operation, you must refrain from using tampons and physical activity and need complete sexual rest for 1 month.

Recovery after the procedure:

Two days after the procedure, there was normal discharge with brown spots. After this, for 11 days, I had spotting after menstruation, then 2 days of normal discharge and menstruation began.

Medications after surgery:

  • Allokin-Alpha. Prescribed if you have HPV. Injections should be given AFTER the operation. There are 6 injections in the box. You need to give them every other day. The cost of injections is 8400.
  • Viferon 500 thousand suppositories No. 10 have antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Cost 500.

Appearance for appointment:

  • In 2 weeks, see a gynecologist-surgeon.
  • After 1 month, see a gynaecologist for colposcopy.

Follow-up appointment: I only got an STD appointment with the doctor on August 4. The healing is almost complete, but the scab has not completely healed. To speed up regeneration, I was prescribed Depanthenol suppositories for 7 days.

Seven days later, I had a colposcopy. There is no trace left of the erosion.

The result is visible in the photo. The remaining white spots in the first picture and dark brown spots in the second are traces of Depanthenol candles.

Recommendations from the doctor:

  • For 3 days, use products to improve the microflora because Depanthenol suppositories “dry” the mucous membrane. I chose Lactagel.
  • Use barrier contraception (condoms) for 2 months.
  • After 2 months, get checked again.


Get treatment on time, friends! Don’t let illness take its course.

Update from 04/27/2023

Two months after the cauterization of the erosion, I became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy girl. Nine months have passed since giving birth; everything and the cervix are fine!