Charo’s testimony 

I would also like to leave my HPV testimonies. I hope that in it, I know how to reflect on my feelings and the CA125 tests I have endured and give hope and optimism to everyone who reads it. Will also try to be concise; However, I warn you that, inevitably, it will be a bit long:

Perhaps I should first say I am a believer (not a “reason”). That everything is intrinsically connected, and that, thank God, I can now be writing these words. I should also say that I dedicate myself to my family and art (and I always try to do them in that order).

I am a woman over 55 years old. On October 13, 2010 (exactly my birthday), I went to the HPV test emergency room due to severe abdominal swelling. I am not going to mention the CA125 hospital I went to for testing. Don’t think it is relevant, and I could generate unfounded prejudices against him. But I can say that he was a private person. They told me that she had a gas problem, and they gave me treatment.

Trip to the emergency room

After a week, I went to the emergency room without noticing improvement. They also told me that they believed it was a digestive problem and that I could go home and do checkups later, but that I could stay admitted to examine myself for skin tags and cysts and lead to a more exact diagnosis. Given this CA125 issue, I decided to stay admitted after the results. Immediately, the internist detected a problem in the ovary, and the entire diagnosis was very immediate. Sure enough, they found a tumour in the left ovary. They did all kinds of diagnostics that led to the determination of stage III OC.

I had HPV tag surgery on November 22, 2010 after getting tested. The operation, although complex, did not cause any complications, and after ten days, I returned home. Next, I had six sessions of chemo. The CA125 treatment went well; I have the relevant check-ups every three months.

I want to say that, from the first moment, I felt supported and protected by my family and the Lab doctors who treated me. My daughters (22 and 18 years old), my husband (at that time), parents, brothers, friends, colleagues… I thank them from the bottom of my heart for all their support and way of being. With me without overwhelming me and respecting my voluntary retirement when I needed it to regain strength. I want to express my love and admiration to all of them from here. But, above all, I thank God for the strength he gave me to endure those moments naturally and with enough energy and when, after the treatment, my marriage of more than twenty years collapsed; I thank you for opening a new window in which I feel I can contribute something.

Final message

To anyone who reads this HPV Warts and tags testimony, I would like to say not to give up, to accept those bad experiences, to be sure that “whatever you ask in My name will be granted to you and, believe that, from the very moment you have asked for it, it has been granted to you.” been granted.” I have never found words as beautiful and as full of strength as those, and I think they have everything we need in them. They have supported me in difficult times, so I want to draw your attention to them.

I don’t know any other way to help myself or to help all of you who may read this.

Gemma’s testimony

Hello, September 29 marked one year since I get checked for my OC operation. My visit to the HPV doctor was to get tested because she found me swollen and had heartburn. It manifested itself with tremendous ascites and, later, the great news: you have an ovarian tumour, and everything has to be removed. The news caught me alone and suddenly. I remember that I was paralysed, and I think that, from that moment, I became an automaton. I told the gynaecologist… solve it for me.

 Everything happened very quickly, and I was not able to discuss the preparatory exam (CAT scan, markers, etc.) with the doctor until I arrived at the operating room door just a week after the news. He said, “The CA125 marker is very high, and you can see spots.” At that moment, my life stopped. I remember it as the worst moment I have ever been through. It was as if none of what I had experienced had made sense completely to get to that moment… my hopes, my plans. 

The operations

So I went into the operating room, knowing that the diagnosis could be the worst. From there, I can only say that everything has been good news. My tumour was a borderline tumour, and although it had infiltrated, it was only 4 mm. It had been caught very early. I was in very good hands and had a very quick recovery in hospital. The CA125 operation was long, 7 hours, and, in addition to performing a hysterectomy, they removed eight litres of fluid. Until that moment, I have to confess that I always wanted to think I had less than what I had, but the time to face reality also arrived. 

My pathological HPV anatomy and skin tag tests were good, very good. However, the rupture of the ovarian sac and the small implantation forced me to have six sessions of chemo. At that moment, I had two options: crumble or strengthen myself, and I decided that the smartest thing was the latter. I am the pillar of my family, and I have already done enough work for them. So I took charge of the situation and, for the first time in my life, let others take care of me, take care of me, pamper me. That has been fundamental. 


The chemo treatment had its process. To some extent, we all understand the effects of uncertainty and their amplification as the sessions progressed. Still, I was determined not to give up, and I made it a point to go out every day to take a walk. I never neglect hygiene or nutrition. I watched every YouTube video ever on how to put on the scarf. This was something I got a lot out of. I never wanted them to see me sick but rather shiny and beautiful, so I put a lot of interest in “sprucing up” every day to not affect others. How to paint eyebrows, hide the lack of eyelashes, and give a stylish look to the scarf even if I sometimes didn’t feel like looking in that mirror, which is the one telling you the truth.

But time passed, the chemo ended, and although facing the CA125-related blood tests was still stressful, I experienced good results with the same intensity. The worst is already over, the recovery is going well, and my hair is curly, but I decided to take advantage of whatever positive this process could bring, which it brings. I began to value the little things, life, smells, autumn colours or of winter, sunny days, and rainy days.


I began to value every minute because this year has taught me that life is not a rehearsal and that it is finite. And I encourage all women who go through a similar warts process not to give up and to do their best to get ahead because we deserve it. I also encourage others to become aware and sensitive to those who go through these moments. 

For me, the support of friends and family and the experience of other HPV patients was fundamental. I also try to provide that help and exchange experience and information. Cancer can be cured, of course. We believe in it. An affectionate greeting