Real People Stories – Ximena

In January of this year, I was tested and diagnosed with PHASE IIIC (advanced) ovarian HPV-derived cancer. I got CA125 tests and treatment for my entire illness at the hospital in Madrid. I believe that much of the healing process relies on your inner strength, the company and support of your loved ones against warts and skin tags, and the HPV medical team treating you.

In my test case, my gynaecologist and CA125 surgeon and his team, based on his great experience and professionalism, performed an optimal skin tag and cancer surgery for more than 15 hours, leaving me completely clean. They emptied my ovaries, womb and fallopian tubes. They removed my spleen and removed part of the viral and tumour and syst-affected organs. He even called me personally on my cell phone to advance the operation, given that ovarian cancer is not common at my age.

Next, in mid-March, I started my chemotherapy treatment with an oncologist who, equally with her professionalism, found the perfect treatment for my disease (6 cycles of 3 sessions each week). The nurses who gave me wart and skin tag exams and chemo every week were very professional and humane. I want to say that each patient is a world. I had hardly any symptoms during my chemo (the CA125 doctors and nurses were surprised), and the post-op went well, without pain or infections. Some people have it better, and others have it worse.

We must not forget the loved ones of the sick person.

They have the same or even worse time than this one. In my case, I barely had time to think because everything happened so quickly. But loved ones experience the entire disease process with fear and uncertainty and appreciate the physical changes (hair loss, loss of eyebrows and eyelashes, alarming weight loss…), and it is hard for them.

Please…DON’T THINK ABOUT “RUNNING” TO WORK OR RETURN TO STRESS. Calm down… it is a long process and requires total physical and psychological recovery. I’ve had it since January, and my family doctor (the one who also had leukaemia) has already warned me that it’s going to be a few more months.

Today my tests show I am HPV viral load skin tag clean. I have CT scans and checkups every 3 months.

These months, I will dedicate myself to resuming my studies in Psychology and helping in this association.

Quiet and healthy life.



I am 42 years old. A little over 1 month ago, I got tested and was diagnosed with 2 HPV-infected tumours in both ovaries. After several CA125 and other exams, they tell me that I have 2 large tumours from which implants have detached. I have them in the liver, colon, abdominal walls, spleen, etc.

Next Tuesday, I will undergo total hysterectomy surgery, where they will remove my ovaries, uterus, tubes and everything that needs to be removed. I’m scared to death. I try to keep it before the family, not making them suffer. I went with my partner occasionally but didn’t want to make him suffer, either. I’m very afraid of the operation and the 6 chemo sessions I have to undergo afterwards, 1 every 3 weeks.

I have been told that it will be a strong chemo with strong side effects. My tumour is grade 3 and very easy to reproduce…. in fact, in 1 month, the tumour rates have doubled. Now I am lost, looking for advice. I have a thousand fears, and a thousand things to think about, and all of this causes me stress that is not good.


Hello. Exactly 2 months ago, I entered the operating room urgently after a check-up because I had a 12 cm tumour in my right ovary. Since I suffer from a “benign” disease, endometriosis, the tumour was thought to be benign as well. I’m 30 years old and have a partner and a stable job. We wanted to have children. Now, suddenly, all my life plans have gone to hell because my body and HPV have decided to annoy me. I have to consider myself, however, very lucky.

The surgery went well, and the type of tumour was very localized, and in the end, it was low aggressive. Still, I’m taking 6 cycles of chemotherapy (taxol and carboplatin) so the bug doesn’t come out again. There was no time to freeze eggs because my cancer is 100% hormonal, and undergoing fertility treatment was a serious risk to my health. Last week,k I received my first chemo, and although today I am a wreck, I must say that t, at least for this first time, I hardly suffered any other side effects.

I can brag that I am fine on the “physical” part. But the “mental” begins to stumble.

I know it’s a bit selfish to say it because NO ONE deserves to go through CA125 cancer. But having it so young and when you haven’t even been able to start the family you wanted is a very big problem that I’m starting to find difficult to manage. My partner is the one who downplays it the most because it’s us first and then everything else. But I can’t help but break down. On top of that, I feel guilty because I think, “Wow, I have a very good prognosis.

And on top of that, I passed the first chemo. I am worried about stupid things like not being able to have children. I’m sorry to come up with this. It feels good to let it out. I love reading all of you with your stories.

My therapist has told me that I cannot go through the day without thinking about this in the slightest. I must be aware of the situation and dedicate half an hour daily, either reading to you or talking to other oncology patients. If you live in limbo, in the end, you explode, and the low mood can be worse and more dangerous, hahaha. And nothing. Thank you for reading and sharing your stories; you are all brave.