DNA -16, 18 (high oncogenicity) – how to live further?

I did tests (gynaecology), and they found HPV-18 (the rest is clear). I read that with this virus, there is a high risk of CA125 cancer (cervix, etc.). So far – pah-pah – everything is fineI don’t know who infected me, but I didn’t have many partners, and I’ve been living alone for the last 6 years. Back then, hardly anyone paid attention to this virus. Tests for HPV 16 and 18 weren’t even part of the standard screenings.

There was no one to sound the alarm. It’s too late to rush around, and there’s no desire to blame anyone. Most likely, “my” men (normal people) in those days had no idea either about their carriage or the danger of this virus, like 99% of the population. We can only hope for good immunity and that the likelihood of getting sick is low. There is only one question: I don’t want to spread the virus further. I have a rather serious romance planned.

Navigating Concerns: Protecting Future Partners and Encouraging Vaccination

I know that variants -16 and 18 are much less dangerous for men than for women (fractions of a per cent or something). But I don’t want to be another link in this chain. It’s good if we live together all our lives (he will most likely never get sick), but what if we disperse and he finds another woman? After all, he can infect her. It’s not that I feel sorry for the unknown aunt in the future, who may not exist, but… no matter how much women compete with each other, we are still all people; we have to live on Earth together and side by side.

I want, firstly, an HPV person to get checked before sex, and secondly, if they turn out to be clean, they get vaccinated – with Gardasil or something… which appeared last year. This is, of course, expensive, but it will prevent possible consequences.

I will try to vaccinate my son while he is still young and has not had time to become infected. I told my son everything, and he reacted to it without problems, but I don’t understand how to tell him how to “get around” to this amid the candy-bouquet period. No matter what I come up with, it all seems ridiculous; I can’t find the right words.


Within six months, I developed dysplasia to degree 2-3. I don’t know what contributed to this; maybe the local immunity is weak. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t eat much crap. It’s probably all due to stress. Six months after the operation, they found dysplasia 1. A year later (now), no dysplasia was detected.

I was determined to make it go away and convinced myself that it wasn’t there. I’m not sure if douching with water and soda for one cycle following the Simoncini method helped (one girl’s dysplasia went away, so I decided to try it). If anyone is interested, I can describe the process.


At 19, doctors diagnosed me with types 16 and 18, with a concentration of 7 units (normal is 0.1 unit). The papillomas appeared internally, not on the external genitalia, and I only noticed more abundant discharge, with no major complaints. They also discovered erosion, which they cauterised with a laser due to the infection. After that, I underwent aggressive treatment with immunostimulating agents, and they cauterised the papillomas with liquid nitrogen.

Papillomas disappeared, and the concentration of the virus decreased to 1.01 units. I was periodically tested for HPV; at the age of 22, its presence was detected, but the smears and cervix were perfect. The doctor said that with constant monitoring of the condition of the cervix, you can live with this virus all your life, and it will not turn into any cancer.

After nitrogen, I was not prescribed any special treatment (vitamins, brewed herbs). 3.5 years have passed since the virus was identified. I feel great; everything is perfect according to gynaecology, but there is a virus.

You can take an additional check to check if the virus secretes the E7 protein, which will only show up if the virus is active. While tests can detect the HPV virus, it may not always be active. An active state means any manifestations and, therefore, discomfort. So, if the virus becomes active, you will feel it.


You won’t feel it at all; I had dysplasia for six months and thought I was healthy. And you can only notice papillomas on the external organs; if they are not there, no one will notice the manifestations of it. You can feel it if the cancer is already in its final stages when bleeding and pain usually begin! So, check with a doctor regularly every six months! The doctor will already feel.


Hello, I’m 17 years old. I had a non-developing pregnancy, and they did a curettage, after which papillomas began to pop up on my labia; at an appointment with a gynaecologist, she immediately told me that it was HPV. I took all the tests, and it turned out that I have grade 2 dysplasia and types 16 and 18; they prescribed pills and suppositories; maybe someone has the same situation; please help me how to live with this and will these medications help cure it completely .. and what can you advise? I’m 17. I just started living, and I’m already seriously ill; it’s very scary.


Alexandra, the viral presence does not affect the fetus as much as you think. The placenta reliably protects the baby. You can live with all this; you must become more attentive and collected regarding your health. It is now necessary to take an intensive course of immunomodulators and antiviral drugs and then just get checked regularly like all women and have smears done for cytology.

You can use Epigen Intim spray periodically or during sexual intercourse. Curing completely will not be possible, but if you knew how many microbes are in your body, you would be very surprised. After all, they live in us, and we live.

Try getting vaccinated; maybe it will help, although they say it’s ineffective after infection, but I would do it anyway (I also have oncogenic HPV). As soon as I have the finances, I’ll do it anyway… so how should we live? Well..so what to do with life now?.calm down and get treatment; everything will be fine.


And my doctor told me that this virus does not live alone! She scared me so much. I walked around pale all day as if I had been hit on the head with a sack of flour. Gave directions for tests for AIDS-hepatitis-herpes. Due in a week. I don’t know how to live this week. I can’t think of anything else. My whole life is before my eyes. Please tell me, is it true that someone else lives with type-16? a very dangerous virus like AIDS hepatitis?


I’m 25 and have three children. They discovered the virus a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been married for almost 8 years, and until now, the virus hadn’t shown any symptoms or been detected in tests. After 3 births, his stomach weakened, and he came out.

A colonoscopy revealed erosion, and they told me to do a biopsy and histology. On top of everything else, rubella was detected in the blood in an acute form, but it does not manifest itself in any way in me or the children. I’m going to see an infectious disease specialist. And on the hist. and bishop. They said 7-8 days after menstruation. A lot of stress, I take it out on everyone. My hands are afraid, I don’t want to do anything…(((((