Are you always hungry?

Maybe you have met individuals who feel the hunger all the time. And on the other hand, perhaps you met people who think more or less or have no desire for food. These types experience thoughts of CBC Lab Complete Count health-related fears for tests as they worry they are not hungry. But let me tell you that constantly feeling an appetite is not good for your health. It can lead to various issues. However, if anyone is stressed about it, they can go for a Full lab Profile Count, which will give them complete knowledge of the body’s health. After losing appetite, many individuals consider they may have cancer, as it is rare but one of the causes of loss of appetite. Older women mostly indulge in this thinking as old age increases their chances of ovarian cancer. So, anyone suffering from these presumptions can undergo the CA125 Level Kit checkup.

Many people don’t know the relationship between cancer antigen 125 and ovarian disease. This protein can indicate ovarian Level cancer in females and is famous as its biomarker. Thus, the CA125 lab Blood Kit is a reasonable test for women.

Most of the time, these thoughts regarding a lack or loss of appetite are just a figment of your imagination, as various other possible reasons could be causing this condition. However, getting checked for your health is always a good idea. This article will reveal the possible reasons behind the lack of appetite in some individuals and the importance of regular screening.

Loss of Appetite: That Annoying, not so Hungry Feeling

Not feeling the desire to eat anything is termed a loss of appetite. This condition is also known as decreased appetite. Occasionally, most people don’t feel hungry, which is typical for many. However, the problem arises when you spend more than 24 hours without wanting to eat anything. Moreover, if it continues for days and weeks, it signals that you need some medical help.

Getting suitable medical tests, like a CBC exam, could help to define the reason for your appetite loss and the condition of your body. Ignoring this condition could lead to health complications like malnutrition and weight loss. Additionally, it could also be a signal for chronic diseases like cancer. Thus, it is vital to get checked if someone does not desire to eat anything for a longer period.

Some of the Possible Reasons for Appetite Loss

Various possible reasons could lead to a loss of appetite. Those reasons include illness, pregnancy, ageing, excitement, sorrow, or medications. But reviewing your condition is your duty, as only you know best about your body. It is necessary to understand when you need a health checkup. Thus, below are some points that will help you review the reasons for lack of hunger and when you need medical checkups.

1. Aging can cause Appetite Loss

Many people complain about their eating habits, which decrease with age. It is common among adults, as 15-30% of elders go through this. Old age diseases are the main reason behind this loss. It is essential to check our medical status regularly. These people are said to be growing backwards and need the support of youngsters. It is advised for young people to store home monitoring kits, especially for CBC screening, to help evaluate the overall health condition of ageing family members. If there is any uncertainty behind this loss of hunger, complete blood CBC full count home monitoring test kits will help to find out.

2. Detect Possible Appetite Loss Causing Infections

Infections are also one of the reasons for the loss of hunger. From viral to bacterial, all hold the potential to impact your hunger habits. Viral conditions like cold, flu, or COVID-19 can reduce your eating schedule. Moreover, bacterial infections like pneumonia can also temporarily reduce your appetite. Other infectious symptoms like vomiting and nausea can also interrupt your appetite balance. A CBC or complete blood count full exam can find any underlying conditions behind your health.

3. Medications can also be a Potential Reason.

Many medicines could affect your appetite. Among various side effects of certain medications, appetite loss is one of them. Let’s have a look at some drugs that can cause loss of hunger in humans:

  • Antibiotics, most commonly used for bacterial infections, are famous for appetite loss problems.
  • Codeine and morphine can also cause this.
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Sedatives can also interrupt eating habits.

4. Depression, Stress, and Anxiety 

It is widespread knowledge that when humans are stressed and anxious, they lose their hunger. This happens because, under stressful conditions, the human body releases certain hormones, like adrenaline, which reduce the desire to eat anything. However, chronic stress conditions can make the person hungrier and overeat.

If we talk about depression, people think of weight gain and stress eating. But, this is not true for all conditions. In many cases, CBC reports show that test depression can lead to loss of appetite and weight. The state of depression impacts the hypothalamus organ of the brain that is responsible for hunger.

5. Cancer can also cause this

Cancer is a condition that dissolves your body if not diagnosed early. This can lead to the loss of appetite. This last step can drastically reduce hunger for a person; these are:

  • Ovarian Ca125 cancer (Home kits can check this condition)
  • Colon
  • Gastro
  • Pancreatic

However, severe conditions like cancer are rarely to blame completely for a total loss of hunger, but prevention is better than a cure. Thus, a full health checkup is the best way to eliminate fears. If you are a woman or anyone you know suffers from a loss of appetite, consider having a CA125-type female Level checkup. It is a biomarker of ovarian organ cancer and can explain the condition of your ovaries.

What will help to normalise a lost appetite? 

Suppose you have undergone health checkups like Profiles and found everything is normal. Additionally, if your profile does not show any complications, then you can quickly get your hunger back by following these easy eating tips:

  • Try to eat more small quantity meals. Try to eat 5 to 6 times a day with a reduced amount. Add drinks between two meals; it will help maintain your appetite.
  • Concentrate on nutrient-rich food. Eating less with more nourished items is better than eating many calories.
  • Make experiments with tastes. Try new things and new flavours that excite your mind and stomach. And remember to season your food with spices and herbs to give you a fresh taste.


Feeling less or no hunger sometimes is normal and can go away independently. Lifestyle conditions like stress, depression, anxiety, and joint infections can cause temporary appetite loss. However, you may undergo screening for severe appetite loss, like ovarian cancer. For the cancer of the ovaries, the CA125 checkup is used, which tests the presence of cancer antigen 125 protein in the blood. However, Complete Lab Full kits are the best way to find the results for several conditions simultaneously. So, maybe the best solution is to get them all done simultaneously.