
If not tested and treated, the first stage of HIV Testing occurs around 3-4 weeks after infection. This is when chancres appear, the first lesions on the genitals at the point where the microorganism has penetrated. More precisely, the STD Test disease causes small hard and painless nodules, red and raised, to appear on the glans of the man and the vulva or in the vagina of the woman. An ulcer full of pus and highly contagious germs is at its centre. The ulcer heals in a few weeks, after which the person appears completely healed. The second stage begins 1-2 months after the STD infection on the skin when reddish spots appear, sometimes very thick, which can trigger itching and still contain the germ and are therefore very contagious.

The spots appear mainly on the chest and abdomen, as well as on the arms and buttocks. The lesions disappear independently even if the patient has not had any treatment. Once the initial phase is passed, the disease enters a latent stage. This lasts decades or for the rest of life, during which the STD infection can persist for a long time without causing symptoms. The third stage is the most subtle phase. The disorders can appear many years after infection and affect any organ.

Viral Diseases

Generally, the most affected parts are the skin, with the so-called “gums,” nodular formations most frequent on the scalp, face, upper part of the chest, and legs. These lesions grow very slowly and heal on their own, leaving scars. Other organs affected are the heart and the nervous system, with alterations in vision and coordination of movements that can result in paralysis in the final stages of the disease,” explains plastic dermatologist Antonino Di Pietro.

Good evening; we have discovered that my partner is HIV positive and has also contracted syphilis. I have

Good evening; we have discovered that my partner is HIV positive and has also contracted it. I took the tests, and I’m negative. He undertook retroviral treatment, and after 3 months, he tested HIV undetectable. He also received treatment with 3 doses of penicillin. Can we have sexual intercourse without the risk of affecting me? I also wanted to ask, given that you had an acute attack, such as fever, skin rash, and swollen lymph nodes all over your body, a few days after having had dental implant surgery, could you theoretically have contracted HIV and syphilis on that occasion? We have been together for 22 years.

Good morning, ma’am. First of all, you were very good. You are dealing with the situation correctly, with a clear mind, if there is a right way.

A few things to clarify:

You can cure syphilis, but exposure can lead to reinfection, including in the case of the couple’s rebound. HIV infection is now a chronic infection with a life expectancy comparable to that of any other person.

However, there are some things to clarify.

  1. Did you also have the screening tests?
  2. The tests must be repeated at least 90 days from the last risky relationship or contact.
  3. Take a pregnancy test if you are of childbearing age.
  4. HIV and syphilis are also transmissible non-sexually through infected secretions, ulcerated lesions in this case, and sometimes skin lesions. Although cases of transmission in this way for it are poorly demonstrable…

The most likely thing in the case of HIV and syphilis positivity, in general, I am not talking about your case, is sexual transmission of both in the presence of genital lesions.

Genital lesions (chancre ulcers, etc.) also increase the transmission of other co-present sexually transmitted diseases up to 15 times.

The most important thing now is to check your health, ma’am. I recommend avoiding intercourse in the meantime to prevent rebounds in the transmission of other diseases within the couple unless you have already ruled out the possibility.

Other factors

In cases where both test negative for syphilis, it’s still important to use a condom during intercourse, considering the clinical history presented. However, some studies demonstrate how sexual intercourse in couples discordant with HIV is safe in cases of effective antiretroviral therapy. At the moment, I strongly advise against engaging in any sexual intercourse not protected by a condom (always use a condom). The same thing does not apply to syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

In summary, I believe that transmitting the two infections simultaneously or separately through dentistry is highly unlikely (syphilis can also be transmitted through oral lesions, but the dentist would have certainly noticed the presence of such lesions, which are usually very evident and characteristic in terms of location, albeit indolent). Ask your husband if he has ever noticed the presence of lesions in the mouth. Unfortunately, it is certainly not up to me to clarify the transmission mode. But if your husband has not had other risky relationships or known modes of exposure, and I don’t doubt it (he cites 22 years of knowledge), he has every right to understand how this could have happened.

Sexually transmitted diseases – Sixth part – Syphilis: a disease we thought had disappeared

Summary and key points

A woman, betrayed by her husband, discovers that the man has contracted syphilis. She learns from the doctor that she, too, must undergo tests because she could have become infected. “What should I do?” she asks, frantic and furious, overwhelmed by humiliation and shame. The answer can only be to undergo a thorough diagnosis as soon as possible. If not treated in time, syphilis can cause very serious damage to your health.

Why has this disease made a comeback? How does it develop, and what symptoms does it cause? How can it be prevented?

In this video, Professor Graziottin illustrates:

  • How the sexual promiscuity that characterises our era favours the return of pathologies such as syphilis, which were believed to have been eradicated;
  • how, in cases like these, the pain of betrayal is compounded by the terrible risk of having contracted not only syphilis but also other sexually transmitted diseases from an unfaithful partner;
  • the criminal implications of such irresponsible behaviour on the part of the cheating partner;
  • the bacterium that causes syphilis and how to effectively treat it, provided it is diagnosed promptly
  • the three stages of the HIV infection and the consequences of a missed diagnosis;
  • because the chancre that forms in the first stage is particularly insidious;
  • what risks does the particular affinity of the bacteria for the brain entail;
  • the importance of preventing contagion with the constant use of condoms.