Arabella story

The most common infection spreads both sexually and domestically. Why is it necessary, and what could be the consequences? HPV is not a death sentence. 

I’m one of those people who can’t be dragged to the hospital. I constantly postpone visits and find hundreds of reasons why now is not the time. Sometimes, in a constant cycle, I don’t immediately realize what period has passed. Of course, I am aware of everything and understand the consequences all this can lead to.

Initial Diagnosis and Treatment

In 2012, doctors diagnosed me with cervical erosion, noting that the affected area was significant. They prescribed tests for HPV and cytology. The home DNA report came back clear for all types, but the cytology results were not encouraging. I then underwent a cervical biopsy. Following that, my examinations became more frequent, and doctors required close observation. While a small erosion often disappears after a biopsy because the affected area is cut out for analysis, my condition did not improve. Consequently, doctors prescribed treatment or cauterized the area using the Fotek apparatus.

Afterwards, I regularly visited the gynaecologist for control until one day, I heard the phrase – “I don’t see any traces of erosion or the consequences that it existed.” Then I relaxed, and all my fears that erosion could not be cauterized disappeared. I only underwent professional HPV Lab examinations once a year so as not to be fired, with standard smears and a cursory examination. None of the doctors focused attention on the fact that I might have erosion and did not observe any changes in the cervix.

When I changed jobs, I stopped visiting the gynaecologist altogether.

I had no complaints.

In 2024 (3 years have passed since the last visit), during the examination, I discovered a decent scar on the cervix, which was even some kind of shock and misunderstanding for me. The doctor also had doubts and asked again if I hadn’t given birth and if there had been abortions.

In the end, everything is new. First, a smear for flora, infections, followed by clean smears, colposcopy, and cytology.

Variant lab testing is not cheap; you must still pay for the appointment. I was dissatisfied that it was always negative for me. I tested it many times, and doing a colposcopy is possible immediately.

What is this disease?

But it is dangerous because it may not manifest itself in any way for many years, but when immunity decreases, it will make itself felt. Therefore, this analysis must still be included in the annual survey plan.

Even if there is only one partner for life and trust in him is unlimited, this only reduces the risk of infection. It can also be infected through household contact; baths, saunas, and ponds are potentially dangerous. And oh gods, skin contact can cause infection even with hair removal. All these seemed like stories, and I was very sceptical about the analysis.

At home, I began to study all possible options for developing events. Indeed, there is a chance of catching the virus through everyday activities.

Preparing for analysis

Before taking the test, you need to make sure that there are no inflammatory or HPV infectious processes. If they are present, the procedure is not performed. It is also impossible to guess the days of the cycle during menstruation: 5 days before and 5 days after. Only the middle of the cycle remains.

Avoid sexual intercourse for a couple of days. I also read that you shouldn’t empty your bladder before the procedure. However, I learned about this for the first time and never even thought about it; I did it as convenient. But I didn’t hear anything like that this time from the doctor either.

Well, the last thing is finances, in my case, the HPV DNA test cost 4,000 rubles (2,500 for the appointment and 1,500 for the analysis). I did everything in a paid center, since I will be going to a free consultation for another year with their endless notes and inconvenient location and opening hours.

How does it work?

The exam is quick and painless; there may be minor discomfort or minimal pain. Depends more on the doctor than on the characteristics of the body.

First, the doctor inserts a gynaecological speculum, and then they take a smear from the cervical canal and the surface of the cervix using a special brush. Unlike a regular brushstroke, the brush here has bristles—almost like a mini brush—and takes a little longer to pick up.

Next, the collected material is sent to the laboratory for research. It will be ready within five days.

Lab Tools


I was positive for the most dangerous types that can cause cancer. The result was what I expected, although I managed to trick myself while waiting.

I have been diagnosed with the dangerous types of HPV.

The virus takes a long time to treat, requires expensive treatment, and demands more careful monitoring. Detection of the virus is not a death sentence; it does not necessarily lead to cancer. The analysis only shows a clear picture and reflects risks and predispositions.

The same goes for a pure analysis that does not guarantee a 100% cure. The risk of infection remains, and the virus can advance to another stage if immunity decreases. It might then appear in a second analysis. And don’t forget the results.

Consequently, the analysis is important. It explains the state of health and shows the likely risks.