Is it necessary to treat Papilloma?

In many countries, it is considered inappropriate to treat HPV. In our country, some Test doctors also believe that HPV treatment is a sham, and they stigmatise those CA125 rated Medics who think differently.

But I have a different opinion on this matter.

Indeed, if HPV is detected for the first time in a young woman with a healthy cervix and good tests, then most likely, no treatment will be required. We observe such a patient, expecting that, most likely, the virus will leave her body on its own.

Importance of Standard Examination

However, even for generally healthy women, I suggest undergoing a standard examination to ensure that there are no problems in the body that will contribute to the virus’s retention in the body.

And if, during the examination, we see that the viral load is very high, and there is a risk of developing cervical cancer (CC), or there are already changes in the cervix, then I treat such patients.

Limitations of Current Treatments

Unfortunately, today, there are no drugs for treating viral infections that lead to a cure in 100% of cases.

 This is due to the peculiarities of the life cycle of the virus.

But in many cases, we manage to eliminate the virus from the body.

The Debate on Treatment

Especially if a woman monitors her health and does not undermine her immunity with an unhealthy lifestyle and diet, constant stress, etc.

I repeat. Many CA125 test doctors believe that treatment is not required for oncogenic types. You need to observe and hope that cancer does not develop. And if it does develop, then the woman is offered treatment: surgery, radiation therapy, etc.

But there is a second option, and it is much closer to me: we do not wait for cancer to develop but do everything to prevent the development of serious changes in the cervix. Because cancer is ALWAYS easier to prevent than to cure❗️

Additional Treatment Options

👉In addition to antiviral drugs, healthcare providers also use interferon drugs to treat HPV, helping the body better cope with the viral load. These drugs have proven effective against various viral infections and come in forms such as suppositories, gels, and sprays. In serious situations, providers may administer intravenous drugs.

Of course, if the changes in the cervix are very serious, surgical treatment is necessary. Moreover, it is crucial to remove all tissues affected by the virus on the cervix. If you leave any affected tissue, the virus will keep appearing. As a result, you may need to undergo a more extensive operation.

Considerations for Future Pregnancies

Therefore, those women who still want to have a child should understand that after such a surgical intervention, conceiving and bearing a baby may be more difficult. This means that everything must be done to prevent such a development of the situation.

But you should never despair❗️ I have many patients who were diagnosed with severe dysplasia. After treatment, they managed not only to defeat HPV completely but also to give birth to healthy babies.

The Role of Pathological Changes

By the way, researchers have reliably established that a cervix with pathological changes, including inflammation and extensive ectopia, becomes much more susceptible to the negative effects. In this case, performing laser treatment on the cervix can help reduce the viral load and increase the chances of recovery.

And finally, let’s discuss what to do with warts, papillomas and condylomas that appear due to the non-oncogenic types. Is it possible to somehow fight them

Identifying Underlying Issues

As a rule, such formations begin to grow throughout the body when the general condition worsens; there are metabolic or hormonal problems. Therefore, ideally, it is necessary to undergo an examination and eliminate these problems because if you do not do this, then no matter how much you remove such formations, they will still grow🤷‍♀️

In my clinic, some CA125 patients visit laser surgeons several times yearly and remove 50 such formations. However, they do not want to do anything to stop them from growing any more.

I am sure there are better strategies than this, especially if these CA125 formations increase in number and size. This means the virus has finally “gone wild,” and the body can no longer cope.

What to do if it is detected?

Not just a simple one, but a highly oncogenic type?

How can I not treat it? So what should I do now, die of cancer or what?

This is very important, necessary, unique, and reliable information that you all really need.

The easiest way is to scare you with cancer and convince you that you need to treat the virus. Fear has big eyes.

The Misinformation Cycle

Also, to forbid asking questions because “I know better,” and if you don’t agree, “Go get treatment on your internet.” Sound familiar?

And also to say that evidence-based CA125 medicine is just fashionable, but everything in it is nonsense, it is NOT personalised, it CANNOT withstand personal experience, it is so stereotyped and limited by its evidence and sponsored research.

The Reality

Three times, hahaha, but more on that another time.

So, there is no cure for it, and if you are told that there is, ask this doctor why he hasn’t received a Nobel Prize for his discovery yet.


Do you know what to do?

PAP CA125 test and, if necessary, colposcopy. This will allow you to detect and treat dysplasia in time.

Finding the Right Doctor


And also find a normal doctor who will not intimidate and treat.

The Purpose

Then why take an HPV test if it is not curable anyway?

Would you happen to know?

Write your options in the comments; I will publish the answer tomorrow.

And by the way, I’m writing about estrogen dominance; I have the text ready in my head, but I don’t know how relevant the topic is for you.