Q&A – Could this be Myco – Bleeding from Vulva

For the past several weeks, I’ve (21f) been experiencing pain and bleeding with sex (ranging from blood all over to just a few drops on the toilet paper after I pee, but usually no more blood after 10 or 15 minutes). He is very large but gentle with me, and we use lube. He was tested for Heerpes and other STDs, yeast, and BV. Negative results for trich, BV, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea, but positive for yeast with a wet mount, pH of 3.5. New partner, but we use condoms. Stupidly, wasn’t Herpes or Mycoplasma tested after my last partner when we didn’t use condoms? Luckily had seen this thread before going for testing and asked for a mycoplasma/ureaplasma kit, and they ordered one.

Still waiting on those results, as well as HIV and syphilis. I’ve taken two flucanazole pills over the past 5 days and have no symptom improvement. Today, my symptoms have worsened. I’m still bleeding after a brief, single-finger penetration, and I now feel bruised and sore in and around my vagina—sensations I didn’t have before. Edit: near-constant aching of my vulva. I was wondering if other women experienced bleeding from the posterior fourchette area (back of the vaginal opening/outside the vagina), as most bleeding from STDs seems to be from the cervix, according to the internet. Hope to find an answer and solution! In a new relationship, not being able to have sex anymore is embarrassing and gets in the way of important bonding time!

Update: tested positive for ureaplasma parvum- unsure what next steps to take. So sad and anxious about what this could mean for my sex life and fertility.


Have you had an internal Mycoplasma exam done? This sounds like a cervical ectropion, previously known as cervical erosion. Very common in women of childbearing age. This happens when the delicate cells from inside the cervical canal are present on the outside of the cervix. They are harmless and shouldn’t cause many problems. However, they can sometimes cause an increase in vaginal discharge and some bleeding during or after intercourse or after a vagina exam. A Herpes Viral Gynaecologist can treat this if it causing you problems. There are a few ways in which they can treat this.

Unless it’s causing problems, they will sometimes leave it alone and see if it goes away naturally because it can just come and go. Most women don’t realise they have a disease until they have a Smear or Mycoplasma test.

Treatment Options for Cervical Ectropion

  • They can cauterise the area with silver nitrate or paint the ectropion with a silver nitrate pen. The treatment lasts around 60-90 seconds. I’ve had this done myself twice, and it was painless. After the treatment, you will feel some mild cramping for a couple of hours, but it will wear off. No sex for a couple of weeks, no bath for 7 days. You should only use pads after this MGen treatment, as it can cause some discharge.
  • Diathermy. A local anaesthetic is injected into the cervix to numb the area.  Then, an electrical current is used through a round-headed metal probe to burn away the cells causing these symptoms. This can take anywhere up to 10 minutes. You can expect some period cramping for a couple of hours after the procedure is done and some bloody/thin discharge. I believe you have to refrain from sex for 7 weeks after this. I haven’t had this treatment yet. However, I am waiting for an appointment for this.

I would speak to your Herpes or STD doctor about this, as from someone who’s had these on and off for a couple of years, this is what it sounds like to me. I hope this helps you. x

Lab Tools


I’m scared AF

I’m so upset with myself. It’s crazy depressing. I was exposed one time. It was negative 3 days after exposure for mycoplasma, tho I’m sure it was too early. Came out positive for ureaplasma and also for mgen. He and I both were treated. Me not know much; I slept with him 3 weeks later. It’s been about 5 weeks since this happened, and I’m now positive for mgen 😭

I truly hate myself for this because I should have just walked away from this guy the first time. I was nauseous, tired, exhausted, lazy, lack motivation, and I was getting better from jumping off the blockade; they gave me 7- doxy 7-moxie as a precaution the first time since I was exposed and positive for urea. Now, they put me on the same Mycoplasma medications. I’m so depressed 😔

I’m trying to be positive, but I can’t. My bladder hurts my vagina is uncomfortable. I met an awesome man recently, and I think I have to walk away from this opportunity because I don’t want to infect him with Herpes. I hear kissing spreads ureaplasma. Though he has not tried to be sexual, kissing seems off the table, too! We might as well be friends and never try to be more! I’m a single mom. My MGen husband passed. I raised 2 boys alone, and as you can imagine, a lifelong relationship with him was ideal! There’s just such a small percentage of people that were cured of these two. I hate this! Can anyone help with a success story please? I feel like life is going to be hell from here on out.


No, hun, I’ve never had this before. I took the first round of antibiotics as a precaution. I may have dodged a bullet there if I left it like that. Or it was inevitable and too soon to come out positive. I don’t know. But I didn’t stay away 🫤 he and I both took our meds and waited 3 weeks, had sex again and boom, it was over for me.

I’m still trying to process this, but the countless Mycoplasma antibiotics are so scary. I had zero issues with Moxi the first time, but I don’t know if having to do it again will be that way. I was on antibiotics over and over for a year, battling suspected BV that kept coming back. My body went through so much with MGen this past three years from an addiction, got sober, was so happy, man; I’ve been so 🥲 n I’m just at a loss for words. One night really can change everything.