30 Questions about Human Papilloma Virus HPV Tests Part (IV)

20 When should I start worrying?

The luck of having this STD screening program lies precisely in the fact that it takes away your worries. You find yourself in a container that makes a diagnosis. And before you do that, you must be alarmed. You will not be at peace if you are called for a colposcopy. But you must think that you are on the right path to identifying something potentially more serious than if you had never discovered it.

And, in any case, even if you are called back several times for colposcopy,

the history of the evolution of the disease linked to exams is 15/20 years.

If you don’t take part in the HPV screening, you don’t do anything to protect yourself, and you put yourself at risk for cancer, but if you carry out regular checks, you reduce this risk because you can stop the spread of the infection and block its progression. Of the disease before it becomes invasive, using the procedures we have described.

21 If the virus regresses, will I no longer contract it?

Unfortunately, tests for STD regression does not give immunity. This means there may be re-infection even of the same strain of the virus that had already been contracted. No one can say whether it could be a reactivation of the same or whether it has been contracted again. We sometimes need more HPV Lab results to find the answer to this question.

22 If I have it, can it be my partner’s fault?

It’s probable, but it’s not certain. A previous partner may have also infected you, but the virus may have remained latent for a long time: you were a carrier for a period, and then it only became active later. The presence of the virus in a monogamous couple should not be seen as an indication of betrayal.

23 Should I inform my partner if I am positive?

Yes, you need to inform him because it is still a sexually transmitted disease. The partner must know that at that point, it is good to use a condom (especially if you do not have a permanent partner, but also within stable couples, at least during the period in which you are under observation). You must also inform him of the STD risks that condoms or oral/anal sex entail.

24 Is it possible to spread the virus within a couple of days

If the virus regresses, but I have already transmitted it to my partner, can I get it back? Yes.

Nesting in the innermost parts of the mucosa, transmission becomes harder.

It is difficult to understand the probability of any contagion. It is difficult for the rebound that distressed couples so much to occur. Therefore, you can resume a more peaceful sexual life.

25 Can I have children if I have them?

Yes, the HPV tests show that the virus does not damage the reproductive system. Once the control period in which recovery is established has passed, STD Panels are normal. And you can try to become pregnant. It doesn’t even affect childbirth since there is no risk of transmitting the virus to the baby; on the contrary, vaginal birth is preferable. Treatment of cervical lesions, however, can increase the risk of pre-term birth.

26 When is it appropriate to get vaccinated against it?

Since 2008, vaccines have been free for children in their 12th year of age. You receive a letter of invitation directly from the local DNA health authority.

The vaccines are against the 9 most dangerous strains.

Since 2019, the Tuscany Region has vaccinated women undergoing colonisation free of charge. They still protect against the other 8 strains, potentially a source of relapses, thus raising the defences.

The vaccine is extremely safe and well tolerated, as shown by years of trials before marketing to over 25,000 adolescents and women.

27 Has it always existed?

We have evidence in burial finds from Egyptian times.

We are still studying it. Given the vaccine introduced and the results, we are also determining whether to extend the HPV Variant test to those under 25 and evaluating whether to extend the screening call times (currently every five years).

28 Why is the information available often conflicting?

We don’t yet have super solid test data because there are issues with which we don’t yet have data (mode of Cancer detection, transmission, contagion times, etc.).

When Pap screening was invented, we didn’t know tumours were linked to papillomavirus infection. It was a bit like what happens in mammography without wondering too much about its origin. However, the discovery of an HPV tumour connection has changed the perception of screening.

29 Why is there little known about the topic in the population,

Interviews in the area have proven that in 2008, the paediatricians’ awareness campaign on vaccination failed. They were the first to not believe in its usefulness. Thanks to the National STD Screening Observatory.

“The 100 Questions on it” was also born from this in-depth work and study.

30 Do you also experience a very high level of anxiety related to Papilloma and its process?

Yes, absolutely. Good information often greatly reduces fears, but this requires time with the patient to be as thorough as possible.

It is true that Prevenzione Serena, not having the possibility to linger, often tends to “minimise” everything a little. Still, it is also true that this is the only way it has to try to get patients to return to check-ups.

Patient screening is stressful. And it is the only way to monitor a virus that can behave bizarrely over the years.

As we have seen, the results obtained are sometimes more linear,

This is also what destabilises people. It is a very frustrating situation for us doctors, too. However, we have these STI methods available today. The added value of screening is being able to read the infection over time. STD Swab test kits are the “price to pay” for having the good fortune of being able to monitor the situation constantly.