Diagnosed with Infections Crossposting since some questions may be more relevant for this sub. I got a Herpes Type Test, and then I started to learn all about it. I...
Is It driving me insane? Writing this for anyone who comes across this post in case it can help. I got a Mycoplasma test. It was positive. I showed my...
My story and some advice from someone with a medical background This is a post I always hoped I'd get to make. I found out from a Mycoplasma Test that...
What is living with a constant risk of transmission Like? We spoke with seven people who have a sexually transmitted infection (or are currently in a relationship with someone who...
30 Million with Infection 2 is a reality! Fun fact: Herpes Urine Home Test options are all around you. About 2/3 of the global population has HSV1 or 2, about...
Collected stories from - ASHA ASHA has long collected stories from individuals willing to share their experiences with STD Tests, particularly the Herpes exam. While we use these in our...
7 Women Share What It Was Like to Be Diagnosed with Infections "In the middle of a beautiful, crowded restaurant, he announced he had gonorrhoea."Get an STD test and know...
My Infection Experience [28 M, UK] Residual Symptoms Hello everyone. I've been lurking in this subreddit for a couple of months now while I battled my concerns/symptoms with a Mycoplasma...
What do you do when you find out you have an infection? First things first - question how it was diagnosed. If you have a Herpes Home Blood test, you...
I'm Jennifer (28F) have genital infection Herpes - My Tests for STD Story My bf of 5 years (34M) doesn't want to touch me. My boyfriend (34M) of 5 years...