MY SECOND OF THREE Kathleen By Kathleen When I engage in cancer counselling or public speaking, I refer to my experience with HPV tests and cervical cancer as quite the...
Asia's journey: after years of pain, the turning point thanks to a special therapy The girl's testimony: "From the first Mycoplasma treatment cycle, I immediately noticed incredible improvements." Cagliari –...
Papillomavirus, patients' stories online to spread the importance of vaccines “I have an STD Swab Test story to tell.” This is the name of the awareness project launched today by...
Papillomavirus, do you know what it is? There is a lot of discussion about the virus, but not everyone knows what it consists of. Today, we often hear about papillomavirus...
MY MISSION IS TO SHARE MY STORY By Michele (Part I) My experience begins in the usual way. Although screening guidelines today seem to be in constant flux, I represent...
Sexual diseases are on the rise. Syphilis and gonorrhoea went up by 15 to 40% throughout Europe and Italy. This particularly affects women under 25. New vaccines and results from...
A hairy case of SH Infection Is it azole resistance or just another infection? Sexual health specialist Massimo Giola discusses Trichomonas vaginalis infection and treatment, including whether patients can drink alcohol while taking...
After years, a disease exam changed everything. I will finally post after browsing this STD forum on and off over the years. It feels good to get this all down,...
MORE THAN MY BODY By Natima Experiencing multiple rapes and many HPV Tests, beginning at the tender age of nine, I struggled with STD exams and my attempts to differentiate...