Q&A VI - Dr Mink Good afternoon! Please tell me.... when I visited an HPV Test gynaecologist, he should have paid attention and said that I have... a condyloma on...
Q&A Part IV - Dr Mink Question: Hello. I recently discovered small wart-like growths on the mucous membrane near my labia. I thought they were Hormone-related. The thing is, my...
Q&A Part III - Dr Mink Question: Hello, my daughter has the problem described in this Hormone article about testing and treatments. She has removed HPV condylomas with a laser...
Q&A Part II - Dr Mink I am Yulia, and I am 34 years old. I often feel ashamed discussing sexual health especially about HPV testing, possibly due to family...
Types of "female"oncology Where does it come from, what HPV symptoms it manifests in tests and within CA125 levels with and what to do Today, oncological pathologies of the female...
Q&A Part I: What are condylomas? - Dr Mink And why do they appear? Hormone and other tests show that Condylomas (CON) are a consequence of infection with the human...
Can Human Papilloma Virus Be Cured? In this post, I will talk about HPV treatment. But I will start with the fact that in many countries, it is considered inappropriate...
Clara - Part II Clara's Test Decision: Prioritizing Extra Pay Over a Doctor's Anaemia Appointment. The next day, Clara had no time to visit the hospital. She had an opportunity...