About Julian
The reliability of the analysis depends largely on the patient. I periodically Complete a Full Blood Complete Count test and the rest of the options for a comprehensive health assessment. What does a CBC Complete Count Blood test show? The condition of internal organs and trace elements. The composition of an Anaemia test may differ slightly in different laboratories.
Blood can be drawn both venous and finger prick. However, I still do not recommend a finger prick because venous blood is more accurate, and there will be no clots. Yes, sometimes it makes sense to take blood from a finger. However, it is better to take blood from a vein, , for children and other patients if possible. We even have information in our lab that it is better to donate venous blood. (P.S. If you have thin veins, you can ask to take blood with a butterfly needle.)
I would also like to emphasize the most important test point: CBC sample blood should be drawn on an empty stomach. Some people stubbornly ignore this rule. If you eat in the morning, it will affect the results. Not only might they be unable to use the sample and require you to come back for a re-draw, but even worse, they might process it with errors. Do you need this for your money?? The liver also immediately reacts to food, even if you just drank tea or coffee, the results will not be entirely correct.
I wish everyone health and good Full Blood count test results!)
Why is it necessary, how to prepare and how to understand?
In my opinion, this is a very convenient way to understand your health.
So, here we go…
The Full Profile blood CBC count home test provides good information about the state of the body, and doing such an analysis yourself is quite reasonable. If some symptoms directly coincide with the analysis’s results, you can see the body’s “alarm bells” and consult a doctor about problems.
I’m doing my last Anaemia blood tests under compulsory medical insurance, which I’m very happy about. There’s no difference; I even like taking checkups at a state clinic more.
Having many years of experience donating blood from a vein, I will try to inspire all who are afraid and give some advice.
Why do you need to donate full blood for biochemistry, and what does it give?
General information in the quote
Why are people sent to do one?
Normally, the doctor prescribes it to determine the exact diagnosis. But CBC kits are often done during the main Complete test or full treatment count process, when the diagnosis is already known, it allows you to control the process and results of treatment. A general Anaemia panel blood test will give an accurate clinical picture.
What will it show?
The presence of inflammation, anaemia, allergic reactions, infections, and blood clotting disorders.
A general CBC analysis Count test report will show whether everything in the body is functioning correctly and harmoniously, in simple words. Suppose there are discrepancies with the norm of one or another indicator. In that case, we decipher and, if necessary, go to the CBC Doctor, if the analysis was done independently at your request. When a doctor prescribes, I do not explain why but only ask – and what to do?!
I closely monitored my high haemoglobin, which is not normal, and tracked changes in my Anaemia general blood Complete tests.
When and how to take the exam?
There are no restrictions; you must go to the procedure room and donate blood on an empty stomach in the morning.
What does “on an empty stomach” mean? It’s stupid, but still… naturally, on an empty stomach, but in terms of time, it’s 6-8 hours without eating. You don’t need to fast from 6:00 PM the previous day until 8:00 AM while they’re taking your sample. If a fast is indicated for medical reasons, the doctor will warn you exactly how long you shouldn’t eat!
Usually, they write advice on preparation almost a week in advance; I don’t agree with this and here’s why:
If we change our lifestyle in a week (three days), the analysis may well show us a better result. Then, we will return to our usual regime, and all these “healthy” indicators will disappear. I don’t see any point in improving our health before donating full-type blood!
I agree that you can’t overeat fatty and sweet foods the day before so as not to raise a couple of indicators to the limit, but to switch to a healthy diet for analysis and then happily forget about it… that’s stupid, comrades.
How do I prepare for a venous draw?
I exclude fast and fried food for 24 hours and consume a minimum of salt and sugar. It’s not like I’m gnawing on a carrot; I eat the “hospital menu,” if I can put it that way.
When I smoked:
- In the morning, I smoked one cigarette over 2-3 hours before the exam. I didn’t come up with this; the doctor approved it.
- Over 1.5-2 hours, I drank about 2 glasses of water.
When I don’t smoke:
- I follow the same routine, just without the cigarettes. I drink water regardless.
- I carry something with glucose in my bag, such as plain yoghurt, a banana, or a chocolate shake. This helps to quickly raise my blood sugar and boost my energy after donating blood, especially if I feel a bit unstable when many vials are taken.
Force Majeure: Fainting
Yes, it happens. There can be various reasons, but usually, it’s due to blood being drawn too quickly. While some people may faint at the sight of a needle, in my experience, it’s often because the Anaemia healthcare worker is drawing blood too fast, causing a kind of shock.
I once fainted and barely regained consciousness due to such “rough handling.” Even men have lost consciousness in similar situations. We request that CBC blood collection be done more slowly and that ammonia be prepared so the healthcare worker knows the client is at risk and needs special care.
For children?
I was a child, and my brother was much older than me. There was a sea of fear.
Now I know for sure that you can’t show any needles to children. You can’t let a child see either a needle or CBC Panel blood being taken. Otherwise, hysterics are most likely inevitable.
Mom put a sleeping mask on my brother so we could sleep at the anaemia doctor’s in the dark. Did it work? He played “sleep” and didn’t understand anything.