Clara – My Story
High White Full Blood Cell Count, but all tests are negative. Hello, I am 24F, and last week, I had fevers all day and was throwing up a lot. I ended up in the CBC hospital, where I was on sepsis watch due to my high WBC, fever, and high heart rate. My white blood cell count was 22,000.
With antibiotics, in 3 days, it went down to 12,000. All my other tests, blood cultures, etc., returned negative. The doctor sent me home with no antibiotics and said they couldn’t find the source of the infection but that I should be okay. Fast forward a week later, no fevers, but my heart rate was consistently at around the 130s to 140s (I do have severe health anxiety, so that could be a contributor). I went to the emergency room again, and they checked my white blood count again, and it had gone back up to 18,000.
They ran tests again and ran a CAT scan and nothing. My heart rate ended up going back to normal, and they sent me home and told me to take antibiotics if I got a fever and referred me to a haematologist. I am extremely scared since the hospital couldn’t find what’s causing the high WBC, and my health anxiety is at a high.
Question about Red Blood Cell Count
Hello all,
The background here is that last year, I was ill for about 3 months, with what I think was a combination of having b12 and iron deficiencies along with getting Epstein Barr virus. I was pretty debilitated for three months. After the b12 diagnosis, I got the typical treatment of 6 loading doses, followed by 12 weekly shots.
However, I find that after 2-3 weeks, I start to get some of my symptoms back; the typical first symptom is that I have a restless night and start getting tingly feet. I get (more frequent) heart palpitations. So, for the last 6 months, I have been paying to get a private b12 shot as soon as these symptoms come back. I am also taking 250mg of ferrous sulphate daily.
It has always bothered me that I am essentially treating myself as my Dr, whilst very kind and helpful, has more or less said, ‘Well, it probably won’t do you any harm, but the protocol is every 12 weeks’. I get the feeling that he thinks that I am a bit of a hypochondriac, which I’m not (appreciate all hypochondriacs say this)
Complete blood count test
Last week, I had a conversation with my doctor and explained that it bothered me, so he arranged to do a full blood test once I felt my symptoms returning.
My red Blood Cell count is low at 4.44 10*12/L, which concerns me. Low RBC count can result from iron, folate, or B12 deficiency. While I understand that 4.44 isn’t worryingly low, it’s surprising considering the above results, and it suggests that although my bloodstream is full of B12, I need to absorb more of it.
I wanted to suggest to the Dr that we leave it another week and do another blood test to see if it drops further, but he has marked the results as fine, which means I have to wait for a routine appointment that is 3 weeks away. I am now in a place where I think I’m just returning to getting another shot.
High White Cell Count. Very Worried.
Hi, I’m a 30-year-old male, and I recently have been having fevers at night. The fevers fade in the morning, and I feel decent by the afternoon. This was weird, so I scheduled a CBC doctor’s test appointment.
I saw the Anaemia doctor this week and have had some routine blood work tests done. The results came back normal, except that my White Cell count is very high (28,000). I also have somewhat high Calcium. The doctors are running a second round of CBC count work, but I will know the results next week.
Frankly, I’m terrified. The things that cause a high count of white CBC blood cells are all ominous. I feel like death is breathing down my neck, and all I have to wait for is the official diagnosis of cancer.
I don’t have a SO, so I don’t have anyone to vent to. Pretty racked by anxiety right now. Can anyone relate to where I am at?
Edit: Here’s the final summary of things. I am writing this since I think it will help others who might think about this post and also deal with health anxiety.
First visit: Blood Anaemia Home test shows 28000 WBC, which is very high. The doctor orders another test.
Second visit: 22000 WBC. It’s still high but at least trending downward. The doctor did full blood work and some chest X-rays. His concern stemmed from the fact that I had very little sign of infection/sickness/etc.
Third visit: X-rays are normal. The initial WBC is very high, still at 22000. This concerns the doctor and gets me suuuper worried. Start contemplating my impending doom. This was when I was pretty terrified. I’m sure I have leukaemia.
Two days later, they finished the full blood work and made a “Complete correction” to my WBC… it dropped to 15000. Also, an Anaemia blood smear showed no suspicious cells. This is really good news and completely changes my Docs level of concern. He orders a Full CBC count test a few days later to see if it is tracking downward.
Last visit: CBC Blood work shows WBC barely tests above normal at 11500. The Anaemia doctor tells me we can hold off on more tests as this looks like my body’s reaction to some infection. I will follow up in 2-3 months for one more blood test to be safe.
Please don’t worry. Please don’t google your symptoms, if you don’t mind. Don’t assume the worst! It’s not that easy. It’s hard not to worry. But do your best to listen to the doctor, and stop googling your symptoms! Stop it! 🙂