An insidious virus that can cause warts and cancer! What do you know about Papilloma?

The Carriers – almost 90% of us. The prevalence of this disease is extremely high – eight out of ten people are carriers of the virus. At the same time, CA125 clinical manifestations do not occur in everyone; the immune system can contain the virus for a long time. HPV includes types that cause plantar warts, common warts, flat warts, lesions of the genitals, genitals, respiratory tract, and a separate group of oncogenic (precancerous) viruses that affect the cervix. Particularly relevant in gynaecology are HPV, which causes pointed condylomas that appear on the genitals.

Cause of infection

The main cause of the disease is infection with various types of human papillomavirus. One of the most unpleasant for women and men can be pointed condylomas, which occur as a result of damage to the genitals.

Ways of Infection

There are several ways to become infected with genital warts:

  • – sexually as a result of oral, genital and non-traditional sexual contact,
  • – contact,
  • – household, when using common hygiene products.

Warts are not detected immediately; it may take quite a long time before Ovarian Cancer Blood test disease symptoms appear. At the same time, warts tend to spread from the primary focus to the sides, leading to new foci of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Several months and even years may pass from the moment of infection with the virus to the first manifestations since the virus can remain latent in the blood for a long time. The prevalence of the virus is high; many people can be asymptomatic carriers for many years, leading to infection of their sexual partners.

What Triggers the Virus to Emerge?

The virus’s provocation occurs due to exposure to various external and internal factors. The main provocative factors are:

  • – stressful situations (severe acute stress or chronic stress),
  • – weakened immunity as a result of various diseases,
  • – bad habits (smoking or drinking alcohol),
  • – frequent change of sexual partners, sex without condoms with casual partners,
  • – long-term use of oral contraceptives,
  • – sexual contact with a carrier of the virus,
  • – the presence of sexually transmitted infections,
  • – pregnancy, abortions.

In women, tests show that the papillomavirus causes damage to the cervix with the development of its erosion. And, if not treated promptly, the transition to oncological pathology. This type of virus is often almost asymptomatic in women, affecting only the cervix, and is detected with CA125 test kits only during an in-depth examination.

Lab Tools

Symptoms: Varied Manifestations

Symptoms are varied. Manifestations of the papillomavirus are varied and depend on many external conditions, health status and many factors. The presence of the virus in the body is a fairly common occurrence, while there are no manifestations of the disease. The immune system of healthy people actively inhibits the reproduction of the virus and its activity. When the immune system is weakened, the virus accumulates in a certain area of the skin or mucous membrane, leading to the transformation of epithelial cells. As a result, their division and death rate change, leading to warts or condylomas forming.

HPV in young people usually manifests itself in tests and in the presence of warts—these benign round formations are dense to the touch, up to 10 mm in size, from colourless to almost black, and located in the area of the fingers, knees, elbows, perineum, and buttocks. Papillomas can attach to the skin with either a thin stalk or a wide base, and they can gradually increase in size. You may also notice new rashes appearing on the sides.

After warts have formed on the skin, papillomas may join them—round formations of soft consistency attached to the skin with a wide base. They match the colour of the skin or are slightly darker, and they are located on the neck, face, armpits, or genitals. They quickly appear and grow, spreading over the skin.

In the area of the anus and genitals, condylomas appear – formations of soft consistency with uneven borders, attached to the skin with a leg that looks like a bird’s comb or cauliflower.

Papilloma in Females and Males

In women, the rash is localised on the skin of the labia, the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, vagina, urethra or anus. In men, the virus affects the frenulum or head of the penis, urethra or testicles, and urethra.

The long-term presence of neoplasms is dangerous due to their degeneration into an oncological disease. Therefore, CA125 with clinical manifestations must be actively treated and tested.

Diagnosis and treatment

The basis of diagnosis is the detection of typical ovarian cancer manifestations, colposcopy, scraping cytology and detection of the virus in the blood plasma. This confirms the activity of the virus and requires active measures.

Treatment Options

The disease requires active treatment without delay in the presence of clinical manifestations. First, doctors prescribe antiviral therapy and drugs to activate natural immunity. Based on this treatment, they recommend removing neoplasms using various methods. First of all, they use:

  • – cryo destruction, cauterisation of elements with liquid nitrogen,
  • – thermocoagulation, cauterisation with high temperatures,
  • – chemical destruction with the treatment of formations with various substances,
  • – laser destruction,
  • – radiosurgery.

It is especially important to carry out full antiviral treatment after the removal of neoplasms to prevent relapses of the disease. This treatment includes antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, vitamin therapy, and general strengthening treatment.

Treating Non-oncogenic Warts, Papillomas, and Condylomas

And finally, let’s discuss what to do with warts, papillomas and condylomas that appear in tests due to non-oncogenic types of HPV. Is it possible to fight them somehow?⠀

As a rule, such formations begin to grow throughout the body when the general condition worsens. And there are metabolic or hormonal problems. Therefore, ideally, it is necessary to undergo an examination and eliminate these problems because if you do not do this, they will still grow no matter how much you remove such formations.

In my clinic, patients come to laser surgeons several times a year and remove 50 such formations. However, they do not want to do anything to stop them from growing any more.

I am sure there are better strategies than this, especially if these formations increase in number and size. This means that the virus has finally “gone wild,” and the body can no longer cope with it.

I had a patient who had her condylomas removed 18 times, and the doctors told her that there was no need to treat them; she just had to continue removing them.

When she got tired of all this and came to me, she had to undergo serious and long-term treatment.

A Healthy Body is Key to Treatment Success

We eliminated all the problems in her body, and she also received intravenous immunoglobulin drugs. Everything stopped after that, and fortunately, the CA125 situation has remained unchanged for more than 10 years.⠀

Therefore, for successful treatment of HPV, the body must be healthy and have the strength to fight the virus. Then, it will cope.