Lillis story

Very fast HPV Home Delivery Test result. I breathe a sigh of relief. In the review, I will explain how the analysis was carried out, including the price, feelings, a photo of the contract, etc. You know, sometimes you live a peaceful life like this, and then the person with whom you once had sexual intercourse declares: you infected me with papilloma.

And you sit in shock, not knowing what to answer or how to sleep now.

In general, I went through all the stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression (well, more like sadness) and finally acceptance. The acceptance was that I decided to go for analysis.

The Process of Getting checked

I thought that everything would be extremely simple. You come and say: hello, I came for an HPV DNA test. You pay money, and that’s it. It turned out that there are many types, and renting out everything is not only very expensive but also doesn’t make sense.

So, I went to the HPV gynaecologist, telling them the situation. I had no symptoms at all. She sent me for analysis to the paid private clinic, but due to the New Year holidays, the matter had to be postponed a little. The doctor said it is advisable to check only for oncogenic types and gave a direction where the analysis indicated only detected/not detected. If they were suddenly discovered (pah-pah), it would be unclear which type of the listed ones.

Personal Circumstances

During this time, many things happened, including a quarrel with a guy, because I decided to tell him after the result. After all, he was paranoid. He found out about this earlier, and from now on, let him remain behind the scenes.

I went for a test on January 3rd. Even though the clinic was paid, there was a line that wasn’t that fast. I paid £300 in total, including the smear and analysis. They gave me a several-page contract, and I had to sign it. But in any case, I am glad they approach their work responsibly. There will be a photo of the contract throughout the review.

In the contract, it was necessary to develop a code word and, if something happened, call it to the operator to find out the analysis results.

The HPV clinic had a cooler, tea, coffee, and sugar. I wanted to, but I was shy, and it needed to be clearer how quickly the line would go.

The nurse came out and called me by name and surname.

How everything goes

First, you need to prepare. The preparation is easy. Everywhere they write differently, so it’s better to follow all the rules, namely:

1. Do not have sex (whether protected or not) 3 days before the test

2. Do not drink alcohol the day before the test

3. Do not walk for minor needs 3 hours before the test

The test itself is a vaginal smear. It is not particularly different from an examination by a gynaecologist. Lie in a chair, insert something I hate, expand everything there, and remove some of this lubricant. All.

The procedure is quick and painless.

I was told that the analysis would take 2-3 days, and now it’s also the weekend. In short, I was expecting the result on Wednesday and didn’t think it would happen earlier. Suddenly…

I go to the HPV Health app and see notifications that my tests are ready. With trembling hands, I open the file.

Thank you, Lord, for saving me from this misfortune! After all, there is no treatment; only the virus can be suppressed. 

I screamed throughout the apartment; the guy almost threw me out the window so that I wouldn’t scare the neighbours. God, how happy I am!

Special thanks to Invitro for the result being ready the next day.

The analysis was also not cheap, but I know everything is fine. 

During that time, I was nervous and at the stage of denial; I was looking through a bunch of information about HPV, so if you have any questions (the main thing is that it’s not related to treatment, I don’t sign up for that), you can write in the comments, I will try to answer.

All the best! Be healthy and loved!


*Using experience: a month or more

For some time, I tried to cure HPV completely unsuccessfully. I read online information, consulted several doctors, and diligently followed their recommendations.

At one time, I used:

* Isoprinosine tablets – several courses. It died down, but there was no final result. Each course is about a month, then a break.

* Tablets “Groprinosin”—several similar courses. There was a calming down, but there was no final result. Each course lasts about a month, then a break.

* Candles “Viferon”. There was some effect at a dosage of at least 1 million per day for several days.

* Natural immunostimulants: Echinacea tea. With complex therapy, there was an effect.

And maybe something else, I don’t remember. Each drug had some effect. But not every drug on the list is equally harmless. They have them and side effects. The body is probably strong, and I experienced virtually no side effects.

BUT: the virus remained.

Some test doctors even recommended various HPV vaccines. For example, Gardasil. Having read about it online, I was horrified: so much negativity can hardly arise out of nowhere without any basis. And the opponents’ beliefs were more convincing to me.

Various doctors’ opinions about this vaccine are sharply divided. Some categorically did not recommend it, while others saw this as a solution.